Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 10¢ Certificate, imperf. Bottom margin horizontal pair showing edge of plate at bottom, unused, full well balanced margins, rich vivid color, Very Fine and choice; with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott No. R33a $650.
Realized: $650

Lot 2569 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 10¢ Power of Attorney, part perf. Vertical strip of 3, light manuscript cancels, exceptional centering, deep bright color, Extremely Fine and choice, a lovely multiple; with 2007 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R37b $128 for pair & single.
Realized: $110

Lot 2570 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 20¢ Foreign Exchange, imperf. Showing horizontal stitch watermark, horizontal pair, manuscript cancel, strong bright color, large margins all around, Extremely Fine, a choice pair; with 2006 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R41a $350.
Realized: $230

Lot 2571 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 30¢ Inland Exchange, part perf. 1863 manuscript cancel, rich lilac color, well centered, Very Fine and choice; with 2007 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R52b $80.
Realized: $70

Lot 2572 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 40¢ Inland Exchange, imperf. Neat unobtrusive manuscript cancel, large margins, rich bold color, Extremely Fine, a tough stamp so choice; with 2008 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R53a $1,300.
Realized: $1,500

Lot 2573 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, 50¢ Mortgage, imperf. Horizontal pair, manuscript cancels, huge margins encompassing portion of adjacent stamps at bottom, deep rich color, an Extremely Fine gem, a magnificent pair; with 2004 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R59a $100.
Realized: $230

Lot 2574 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, $1 Foreign Exchange, imperf. Horizontal strip of 3, manuscript cancel, large margins, strong color, Extremely Fine, a choice multiple; with 2007 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R68a $330 for pair & single.
Realized: $210

Lot 2575 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, $1 Manifest, imperf. Horizontal pair, manuscript cancel, large margins all around, deep color and sharp impression, Extremely Fine and choice; with 2005 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R72a $120.
Realized: $90

Lot 2576 o
Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, $2 Probate of Will, imperf. 1864 manuscript cancel, ample to large margins, rich bright color, small faults at bottom mostly in margin, otherwise Very Fine, an attractive example of this very scarce key first issue revenue; with 2009 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R83a $5,500.
Realized: $2,000

Revenue, 1862-71 First Issue, $2.50 Inland Exchange, imperf. Manuscript cancel, full margins, strong bold color, small thin at bottom, otherwise Very Fine, a rare and very elusive issue. Scott No. R84a $7,000.
Realized: $1,300