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Sale 32: The Winter Sale

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British Commonwealth: Canadian Provinces

Lots 1745-1754 Lots 1755-1764 Lots 1765-1766

Lot 1765 o   

Prince Edward Island, 1861, 6d yellow green. Lightly cancelled, few irregular perfs, corner perf crease at lower left, very fine appearance, quite scarce. SG No. 4.
Scott No. 3    $1,000.

Realized: $240

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Lot 1766    

Prince Edward Island, 1862-68, 6d reprint die proofs. All 10 colors as per Unitrade catalog, reprints from the original die were made about 1940 to benefit the Red Cross; immaculate with bright colors, Extremely Fine. SG No. 17. Unitrade C$300 ($305).
Scott No. 7.

Realized: $50

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Lots 1745-1754 Lots 1755-1764 Lots 1765-1766

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