Confederacy, Camp Ford Prison, Tyler Tex. Imcoming prisoner cover addressed to "Youing Whitlock, Prisoner of War, Camp Ford near Tyler, Texas", franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose tied by "Marshall, Ill., Sep 19" cds, reverse with "Prisoner of War 1864" docketing; cover with couple small tears and edge wear professionally restored, Very Fine appearance, a very rare incoming prisoner of war cover from Camp Ford Prison, with only five covers recorded in Harrison. Scott No. U.S. 65 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,250

Confederacy, Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, Ga. "Old Point Comfort, July 18" cds and "Due 6" handstamp on prisoner cover to Hartford, Ct., P.O.W. endorsement and manuscript "Ex W.S.S." examiner's marking, Very Fine, a rare Southern prison usage, with only 28 recorded by Harrison. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $850

Confederacy, Danville Prison, Building #3, Danville, Va. Prisoner cover to Philadelphia, Pa., franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose tied by quarter cork with "Old Point Comfort, Va., Jul 24" cds alongside, prisoner of war endorsement at left, with original enclosure datelined Danville, Va., May 14/64 with message of capture…We are confined in a Large Tobacco Warehouse and "Prison No. 3" address; owners handstamp on letter and cover with backflap missing, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare Danville Prison prisoner of war usage, only 2 recorded usages from Building #3 in Harrison. Scott No. U.S. 65 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200

Confederacy, Danville Prison, Building #4, Danville, Va. Small 1864 folded letter to Waterboro P.O. in Ohio, across the lines with "Old Point Confort, Va., Apr 19" cds and matching straight line "Due 3" handstamp, endorsed "Prisoner Letter" at right, letter datelined "Danville, Va., March the 21, 1864" with sending address "Danville, Va., Prison No.4, Via Fortress Monroe", Very Fine, am extremely rare usage from Danville Prison #4, only five such covers from this prison known, pictured in Harrison (Prisoners' Mail From The American Civil War, page 74). Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,300

Confederacy, Danville, Va., Building #5. 1864 prisoner of war cover to Ohio, with "Old Point Comfort, Va., Feb 23" cds and "Due 6" in circle handstamp, manuscript "Prisoner of War" and "Ex" examiner's marking, with original enclosure signed "Prison No. 5, Danville, Va.", Very Fine, only 7 covers recorded from the Danville Prison #5 building. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950

Confederacy, Libby Prison. Prisoner cover addressed to Topsham, Maine, franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose tied by cork with matching "Old Point Comfort, Va., Jul 15" cds, "Flag of Truce" and soldier's endorsement, with original enclosure datelined "Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., June 6th, 1864" regarding capture at Cold Harbor on June 1st; cover soiled and missing backflap, Fine. Scott No. U.S. 65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $525

Confederacy, Libby Prison, Richmond Va. Prisoner of war address on inside of turned cover with "Druckler, N.Y., Sep 12, 1864" origin cds, no franking, outside franked with 1863-64, 10¢ blue tied by Danville, Va. cds, with additional red "Advertised 2" straight line handstamp and matching "Lynchburg, Va., Dec 2" cds on reverse; stamp lifted and hinged in place as it was originally over edge, Very Fine appearance, a rare and unusual prisoner of war usage. Scott No. 12 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $850

Confederacy, Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. "Old Point Comfort, Va. Oct 24" cds and "Due 6" handstamp on military flag of truce cover to West Littleton, N.H., manuscript "Prisoner's Letter, E.B. Parker" notation at upper left; couple stains do not detract, Very Fine. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $600

Confederacy, Ligon's Tobacco Warehouse, Richmond, Va. Blue "Norfolk, Va. Dec 28, 1861" cds and matching "Paid 5c" in circle on cover to prisoner of war, manuscript "Via Flag of Truce" endorsement and "Exd D.W.C." examiner's mark, Very Fine, only 34 recorded in Harrison. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $750

Confederacy, Ligon's Tobacco Warehouse, Richmond, Va. Blue "Norfolk, Va., Dec. 21, 1861" cds and matching "Paid 5c" on cover to prisoner of war in Richmond, Va., manuscript "Ex J" (William Jay) and "by flag of truce via Fortress Monroe" endorsement at the left; cover wear and creasing, Fine, with 34 recorded in Harrison. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $725