Lot 1764 P
1867, 3¢ &12¢ grills Trial Color. Lot of 4, 3¢ black on white, 3¢ black on yellow, 3¢ brown on yellow and 12¢ brown on salmon, o.g. except the 12¢ no gum, all have grills, Fine.Scott No. 79, 85E Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $115

Lot 1765 E
1867, 3¢ Lowenberg patent essays. Plate on onionskin paper, imperf, 114 stamps, most in blocks of 8, 9 or 12 hinged on display cards, various colors, some faults as usual, F.-V.F. overall.Scott No. 79-E8a $1,140 for singles.
Realized: $250

Lot 1766 E
1867 N.B.N.C. grill essay, allover grill of small squares, points up, on 3¢ rose perf'd. Vertical pair with part imprint at bottom, full o.g., minor corner bend at u.r., fine and attractive, ex B. Christian.Scott No. 79-E15b $400.
Realized: $125

Lot 1767 E
1867 N.B.N.C. grill essay, allover pinpoint "Music Box" grill, points down, on 3¢ rose. The so-called music box grill, two singles and a block of four, o.g. except one single is no gum, couple of stamps with minor perf flaws, ave-fine.Scott No. 79-E15e $750.
Realized: $160
Lot 1768 E
1867, 3¢ N.B.N.C. colorless embossed shield-design & grill essay. On white wove stamp paper, perf'd and gummed, three copies of each, the former with a three in shield impression, the latter o.g. with a grill impression, very fine (no photo).Scott No. 79-E15g//79-E18k $1,350.
Realized: $200

1867 Essay balance lot. Five items, including 79-E23b dim red with a thin, 79-E25j green, o.g. off center, two albino grille impressions on card, and Grant engraved vignette on card with PSE noting origin unknown, interesting group, Fine; with 2003 P.F. and P.S.E. certificates. Scott No. 79-E23 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $105

Lot 1770 E
1867, 3¢ typographed Washington essay. Plate on white wove, imperf and gummed essays, four singles, dim violet red, dim red, dim dark blue, and dim pale blue, pairs are dusky violet red (one with thin) and dim dark blue, all have original gum, mostly fine to very fine.Scott No. 79-E23i $400.
Realized: $90

Lot 1771 E
1867, 3¢ typographed Washington essay, in dark red. Experimental essays on wove paper, thirty one dark red examples, including seven blocks, one pair and one single, mostly very fine, excellent dealer lot.Scott No. 79-E25a $1,550.
Realized: $210

Lot 1772 E
1867, 3¢ Liberty essay. Die on white wove stamp paper, with imprint, perf'd and gummed, nine examples, most have partially reduced margins, few small flaws including reinforced perfs, excellent variety of colors, fine to very fine.Scott No. 79-E30n $1,350.
Realized: $350

Lot 1773 o
1867, 3¢ rose, A. grill. Lightly cancelled, usual minor perf flaws, still Fine; with 2003 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. 79 $1,750.
Realized: $325