Envelope, 1875, 90¢ carmine. Legal size entire used to Germany cancelled by cork cancel & indistinct N.Y. R.P.O. cds, backstamped New York transit & German arrival, entire torn on front & back, Fine and rare. Scott No. U211 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $135

Envelope, 1884, 2¢ brown. Mint entire, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. U273 $400.
Realized: $70

Envelope, 1887, 30¢ red brown on oriental buff. Legal size registered entire used from New York to Germany cancelled by "New York" Registry oval handstamp, used in 1890 with violet boxed Registry handstamp & registry label affixed, backstamped with German Transit postmark, Very Fine and choice, very rare used entire. Scott No. U338 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $675

Envelope, 1887, 30¢ red brown on oriental buff. Registered entire used from New York to Belgium cancelled by "New York" Registry oval handstamp with violet registry double circle handstamp at left, used in 1909 with Belgian arrival postmark, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. U338 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $100

Envelope, 1887, 30¢ red brown on blue. Registered entire to Belgium postmarked with oval "New York" handstamp & magenta boxed Registry handstamp, backstamped with New York registry marking & Belgian arrival, Extremely Fine and rare. Scott No. U339 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $190

Envelope, 1887, 90¢ purple. Legal size registered entire used from New York to Germany cancelled by "New York" Registry oval handstamp, used in 1890 with New York registry label affixed, backstamped with German Transit postmark, entire with couple small edge tears, Fine, a very rare used 90¢ entire, ex-Barkhausen. Scott No. U342 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900

Envelope, 1887, 90¢ purple. Legal size registered entire used from Chicago to Germany cancelled by "Chicago" oval handstamp, used in 1908 with New York registry label affixed, backstamped with German arrival postmark, entire with couple small edge tears, Fine, a very rare used 90¢ entire, ex-Barkhausen. Scott No. U342 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

Envelope, 1887, 90¢ purple on amber. Legal size registered entire used from New York to Germany cancelled by "New York" Registry oval handstamp, used in 1890 with New York registry label affixed, backstamped with German Transit postmark, entire with couple small edge tears, Very Fine and choice, a very rare used 90¢ entire, ex-Barkhausen. Scott No. U343 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100

Envelope, 1887, 90¢ purple on amber. Legal size registered entire used from New York to Belgium cancelled by "New York" oval handstamp, no backstamps, entire with minor soiling & slightly rounded corners at left, Fine, a very rare used 90¢ entire. Scott No. U343 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $250

Envelope, 1925, 1½¢ on 1¢ green on manila, die 1. Light wrinkling slightly creasing, still Fine; with 2008 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. U494 $550.
Realized: $70