1863, 2¢ black + 3¢ rose. Two singles of each, one Blackjack creased, cancelled by fancy segmented target cancel on 1865 cover to Canada, postmarked "Durham, Me." cds & "U. States" exchange handstamp, flap torn, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 73+65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $105

1863, 2¢ black + 3¢ rose. Pair of each, Blackjacks with wrinkle & one 3¢ with corner defect, tied by blue Canadian target cancels on 1865 cover to Montreal, Canada, it appears as if this was mailed in transit as there are no United States markings and was cancelled upon arrival, manuscript notation "Due 20", Very Fine and attractive, most unusual. Scott No. 73+65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

1863, 2¢ black. five singles, slight overlap, cork cancels on cover to Canada West, "Lockport, N.Y." cds and scarce red oval "U.S. 10 cts PAID" handstamp; cover slightly reduced at the left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 73 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

1861-63, 2¢ black + 3¢ rose + 10¢ green. Tied by "10" in circle handstamps on cover to Paris, France, where it was forwarded, faint red "Colebrook, N.H." cds, red New York transit marking, manuscript "2" decimes due, numerous transit backstamps; piece of backflap missing, Fine. Scott No. 65+68+73 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

1863, 2¢ black + 10¢ green. Pairs of each, tied by blue target cancels on 1865 cover to England, blue "Cumberland, Md. Feb 23, '65" cds, red New York exchange and Liverpool entry cds's; cover with sealed tears & soiling, Fine. Scott No. 73+68 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95

1863, 2¢ black. Well centered, beautifully tied by vivid red fancy star cancel on ladies cover with matching red "New York City" postmark alongside, 2nd strikes at right, Very Fine and choice; a lovely cover. Scott No. 73 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

1863, 2¢ black. Uprating on 1860, 1¢ blue on buff entire to New Haven, Conn., neatly canceled and tied by target handstamps with matching "Hartford, Con., Oct 7, 1863" cds alongside, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 73+U19 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110

1863, 2¢ black, five singles. Overlapping and cork canceled on cover to St. Catherines, Canada, faint "Lockport, N.Y." cds, and scarce vivid red oval "U.S. 10cts PAID" handstamp; cover with tiny corner repair and slight reduction at right, Fine. Scott No. 73 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

1863, 2¢ black. tied in combination with 1861 10¢ green vert. pair on 3¢ pink entire to London by segmented cork cancel with "Chicago" cds at left, used in 1867 & postmarked red "Boston Br. Pkt/19 Paid" cds & red London arrival, 2¢ with trivial perf flaws at top due to placement, Very Fine, an unusual franking. Scott No. 73 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

1863, 2¢ black. Horiz. pair, natural s.e. at right, in combination with 24¢ gray (natural s.e. at right, centered to bottom) tied by crossroads cancel on neat 1866 cover to Germany with red "New York Br. Pkt./7 Paid" credit cds & blue boxed "Aachen Franco" handstamp tying 2¢ pair, backstamped with German transit, Very Fine. Scott No. 73 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190