Nebraska cover lot. Seventeen, better include Cottonwood Springs Due 6 Soldier's Letter, Bazile Mills on 3¢ entire with fancy box & star cancel. Westmark registered with 3c and 5c Banknote stamps, Niobara in double oval, and several Banknote illustrated ad covers, etc; Fine (no photo). Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $170
Nevada cover lot. Three items, #65 Gold Hill forwarded cover, #162 12¢ Eureka registered usage and #211 pair on 2c entire to Germany, F.-V.F. group (no photo). Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70
New Hampshire cover balance. 14 mostly Banknote with a couple later, includes #178(3) Profile House, #159 fancy county postmark., #205 and Great Britain #210 on forwarded mourning cover, beautiful pair of #159 6¢ Lincoln on registered, mixed quality with many Fine or better (no photo). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $115
New Hampshire Covers, 19th Century. Twenty two 1851 to 1869, including #24 strip of 3, Whitefield in green, #11 rimless Goffstown, #63 & 73 Drewsville and #73(2) manuscript.West Stewartson, #73 with terrific "Amoskeag Veterans" illustrated cornercard; mixed condition, mostly Fine or better, inspect (no photo). Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $220
New Hampshire stampless. Eight, including two Lebanon (1801 & 1802), five s/l Portsmouth, one addressed to John Hancock in Boston (1798, 1799, 1803, 1809, and 1810) and Plymouth 1800, variety of rates, Very Fine (no photo). Estimate $350 - 400.
Realized: $200
New Hampshire stampless cover balance. Thirty, early to mid 19th century, mostly paid 3, paid 5, or paid 10 rates, numerous color cancels, towns include Amherst, Hanover, Portsmouth, Dover, Derry, Paper Mill Village, Concord, Keene, and many more; condition is mixed with many being Fine or better, nice lot (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $230
New Jersey cover lot. Twenty two stampless through Washington Franklins, including red 1832 Newark fancy paid, #205 to England forwarded to France, and 1909 commemoratives, mixed condition, mostly Fine, interesting cornercards and towns (no photo). Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80
New Mexico Territorial cover lot. Twelve including two #230 on U348 covers, one 425 postcard, one post office return receipt, and some postal stationary, nice 1888 Santa Fe with Hemenway Expedition cornercard, 1896 Silver City on UPU card to Switzerland; mostly Fine (no photo). Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75
New York cover balance. Seven four including 39 3c 1851-1861covers, banknote covers, several with corner cards, some registered bureau issue covers and a few later, mixed condition, with many Fine (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $280
New York stampless covers. 35, including three 18th century with franklin marks, nine Troy color cancel covers, missent, express mail and forwarded covers, and 1790 New York s/l cover, very fine with many color cancellations, inspection is recommended, Fine (no photo). Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $260