Confederacy, Greenville, Ten. Partial town postmark with indistinct date on cover to Atlanta, Ga., matching "Greenville, Tn." circular handstamp with "Paid 5" in center; cover slightly reduced at right, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $575

Confederacy, 1861, 10¢ blue. Two covers (one with cover defect) each franked with with single in different shade, both four margin, plus 1862 5¢ blue (#4), lovely margin single on third cover (one flap missing), Fine. Scott No. 2, 4 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $290

Confederacy, 1862, 5¢ blue. Different shades and small flaws; uncanceled on turned cover to Facility, Tenn., with "Philadelphia, Ten., Aug 2" cds, inside franked with 1862, 5¢ blue Archer & Daly, horiz pair manuscript canceled with "Ashville, N.C., Apr 2, 1865" cds; cover missing top and one side flap, light staining, Fine. Scott No. 4+7 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260

Confederacy, 1862, 5¢ blue, Plate Reconstruction. Complete Stone 2 plate reconstruction of 50 with additional pairs and strips, also a selection of 40 stamps (13 horiz pairs) from Stone 3; condition a little varied to be expected, F.-V.F. overall, a lovely complete reconstruction, with additional plating literature. Scott No. 4 $18,650 for singles.
Realized: $2,700