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Sale 29: The Confederate Sale

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Confederate States: Confederate Literature - General Works

Lots 3930-3939 Lots 3940-3949 Lots 3950-3959 Lots 3960-3963

Lot 3960

Skinner H. et al, The New Dietz Confederate States Catalog and Handbook, 1986, hardbound, deluxe ed., 270pgs, slipcase, ed. 55 of 300, signed by authors, like new.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $260

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Lot 3961

TIME-LIFE Editors, Confederate States and Civil War, 1983-87, 14 hardbound editions; including: Gettysburg. The Confederate High Tide; The Blockade. Runners and Raiders; The Road to Shiloh. Early Battles in the West; First Blood. Fort Sumter to Bull Run; Forward to Richmond. McClellan's Peninsular Campaign; Decoying the Yanks. Jackson's Valley Campaign; Confederate Ordeal. The Southern Home Front; The Shenandoah in Flames; Brothers Against Brothers. The War Begins; The Civil War. Twenty Million Yankees; The Battle of Antietam; War on the Mississippi. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign; The Nation United; Sherman's March. Atlanta to the Sea.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $240

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Lot 3962

Toppan, G., Notes Upon United States and Confederate Stamps and Their Varieties, 1906, Scott Stamp Co., softbound, 27pgs, very rare.
Estimate    $20 - 30.

Realized: $5

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Lot 3963

Weiss, W. Jr., The Catalog of Civil War Patriotic Covers.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $80

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Lots 3930-3939 Lots 3940-3949 Lots 3950-3959 Lots 3960-3963

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