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Sale 28: The Winter Sale

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U.S. Possessions: Hawaii - Advertising & Illustrated Covers

Lots 1927-1936 Lots 1937-1946 Lots 1947-1952

Lot 1937    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 144, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, corner card on local 1900 cover, franked with 1899 1¢ green tied by Honolulu "1" duplex, Fine.
Scott No. 80    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $100

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Lot 1938    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Evangelical Association, Honolulu, H.I., corner card on 1899 packet-boat cover to Auburndale, Mass., franked with 1899 1¢ green and pair of 2¢ rose tied by San Francisco "P" ovals, purple misspelled "Paquebot" handstamp (Hosking 992) backstamped San Francisco and Auburndale; 2¢ stamps with slight perf faults, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 80+81    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $350

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Lot 1939    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Flag, red and blue all-over patriotic design on 1898 cover to San Francisco, franked with 1894 5¢ lake tied by Honolulu duplex, Nov 29, two different San Francisco backstamps, Dec 6; stamp with very minor perf flaws, a Very Fine cover.
Scott No. 76    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $900

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Lot 1940    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Gazette Company, Honolulu, H.I., corner card on 1894 packet-boat cover to San Francisco, franked with five 1894 2¢ brown San Francisco "1" ovals, light strike "Paquebot" handstamp (Hosking 992), backstamped San Francisco Paid All and Box 7 receiver, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 74    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $95

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Lot 1941    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Hotel, illustrated allover ad on reverse of 1896 cover to San Francisco, franked with 1899, 1¢ yellow + 2¢ brown pair tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Oct 30" duplex cds's, San Francisco Nov 18 backstamp; abrasion on flap affecting design a bit, otherwise F.-V.F., both 2¢ with double transfer in "Cents".
Scott No. 74+75    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $70

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Lot 1942    

Hawaii, The Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, corner card on 1899 cover to Portland, Me., franked with 1899 2¢ rose tied by Honolulu duplex underpaying the 5¢ rate, purple "T 10 Centimes" handstamp with "1" changed to "2" by hand, "U.S. Charge to Collect 26 (manuscript) cent" handstamp applied in San Francisco, backstamped San Francisco and Portland; small opening tears at top, Fine.
Scott No. 81    Estimate $200 - 300.

In Honolulu the short-paid cover was considered unpaid, hence the 20 centimes (10¢) due marking—twice the correct 5¢ rate. In San Francisco, the under payment of 3¢ was apparently added to the 10¢ already due and re-doubled to 26¢.

Realized: $120

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Lot 1943    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Legation, Washington D.C., blue corner card on cover to Brooklyn, N.Y., franked with U.S. 2¢ Columbian tied by "Washington, D.C., Mar 26, 1894" machine cancel; large central sealed cover tear, Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $105

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Lot 1944    

Hawaii, The Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, H.I., corner card on 1899 packet-boat cover to New York, franked with 1894 5¢ rose lake tied by San Francisco "I" oval, purple misspelled "PAQUOBOT." handstamp (Hosking 991) bsd San Francisco Paid All transit cds, Very Fine.
Scott No. 76    Estimate $200 - 250.

Realized: $95

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Lot 1945    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Stamp Co., Honolulu, H.I., purple handstamped corner card on cover to Rock Falls, Ill., franked with 1894 1¢ yellow tied by 4-ring target, backstamped Rock Falls Mar 19 (docketed 1894); tiny tear in stamp, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 74    Estimate $150 - 200.

Envelope is unsealed and probably would have contained a pricelist for Hawaiin stamps, hence the 1¢ unsealed circular rate.

Realized: $150

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Lot 1946    

Hawaii, Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, Kauai., two-line corner card on cover to Honolulu, franked with 1893, 2¢ dull violet tied by target handstamp, matching "Makaweli, Kauai, Dec, 1893" cds, light cover toning, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 57    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $100

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Lots 1927-1936 Lots 1937-1946 Lots 1947-1952

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