Local, American Letter Mail Co., 1844, black on gray, large margins all around, canceled by manuscript "EHB" initials on 1845 printed advertising circular to Worcester, Mass., red "Forwarded By, American Letter Mail Company, N.Y." oval handstamp and matching small Paid handstamp; cover with minor wear along file fold, Very Fine and choice; with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 5L2 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

Local, Boyd's City Express, 1860, 1¢ black on blue gray, tied by "Paid" in oval handstamp on cover to Baltimore, Md., in combination with 1861, 3¢ rose tied by "New York, Mar 15" cds and target duplex additionally tying local adhesive; cover with tape stain and slight reduction at top, Fine. Scott No. 20L18+65 $225.
Realized: $350

Local, California Penny Post Co. Instructional Return Envelope, buff cover with imprint at top detailing how to forwarded letters through the Penny - Post Co., addressed to San Francisco with blue "Paid" in oval at top, Extremely Fine, an interesting and extremely rare used California Penny Post Co. instructional envelope, this being the only reported example known, ex Dale - Lichtenstein. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,000

Local, Messenkope's Union Square Post Office, 1849 (1¢) black on green, right margin single, in at top, in combination with 1851, 3¢ orange brown (tiny nick at top), both tied by "New - York, Dec 17" cds on cover to Cambridge, Mass., Fine and scarce. Scott No. 106L1+10 $1,250.
Realized: $625

Magnetic Telegraph Office, Phila, oval handstamp on cover to Trappe Post Office, Pa., blue "Philadelphia, 5, May 30" integral rate cds; cover wear, soiling and missing backflap, Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550

Envelope, 1870, 90¢ carmine on cream, registered entire to Zittau, Germany, corked canceled with violet "New York, N.Y., Registered, Apr 28, 1908" cds, magenta N.Y. received in bad condition handstamp at bottom and sealed by 3 brown Officially Sealed labels (OX11) with Foreign Registry handstamps, cover edge tears, Fine, a very rare usage of this high value entire. Scott No. U107 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,150
Envelopes, 1893, 1¢-10¢ Columbian entires complete, backflaps sealed, pristine, Extremely Fine (no photo). Scott No. U348-U351 $90.
Realized: $5

Envelope, 1942, 6¢ orange, die 2b, combination franking with Russia 30k Ivan Turgenev (poet) issue of 1943 (Scott #909), used from Russia to New Jersey, diplomatic pouch mail, censored, notation from correspondence that the original letter was dated March 22, 1944 (pre APO 193 ?), earlier covers from same correspondence indicate that the sender was with the US Air Force, 336th squadron, Very Fine and rare, a military mission to Russia in April and May, 1944 was authorized and 3 Russian bases (Poltava, Mirgorod, and Piryatin) were used, there were 1200 American ground crews and the mission was called "Frantic Joe," with the Russian stamp paying the required Russian postage and the US entire paying the domestic postage in US. Scott No. UC4 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

Envelope, 1942, 6¢ orange, die 2b, entire uprated with 2¢ Prexie, used from Russia to New Jersey by diplomatic pouch mail, censored with purple "War Department, Military Intelligence Service, Washington D.C." handstamp, notation from correspondence that the original letter was dated June 12, 1944 (pre APO 193 ?); cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine and rare, a military mission to Russia in April and May, 1944 was authorized and 3 Russian bases (Poltava, Mirgorod, and Piryatin) were used, there were 1200 American ground crews and the mission was called "Frantic Joe", after two raids Germany bombed the bases on June 22 and the mission ended. Scott No. UC4+806 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

Envelope, 1942, 6¢ orange, die 2b, combination franking with Russia 30k Defenders of Leningrad issue of 1944 (Scott #913), used from Russia to New Jersey, diplomatic pouch mail, censored, notation from correspondence that the original letter was dated May 18, 1944 (pre APO 193 ?); cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine and rare, a military mission to Russia in April and May, 1944 was authorized and 3 Russian bases (Poltava, Mirgorod, and Piryatin) were used, there were 1200 American ground crews and the mission was called "Frantic Joe," with the Russian stamp paying the required Russian postage and the US entire paying the domestic postage in US. Scott No. UC4 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70