1873, 30¢ gray black + 10¢ brown (pair) + 1875, 2¢ vermilion (pair) + 5¢ blue, tied by cork cancels on an 1877 registered oversize yellow cover from Boston to Quebec, Canada; cover with light file folds and large sealed tears, reduced on 3 sides, otherwise F.-V.F., an attractive and unusual 4-color franking; with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 165+161+178+179 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $725

1873, 15¢ yellow orange + 30¢ gray black (pair), tied by blue Cincinnati, Ohio duplex cancels on an orange legal wrapper to Detroit; wrapper refolded and repaired, F.-V.F. appearance, a marvelous and very rare 25x rate usage. Scott No. 165+163 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $625

1873, 30¢ gray black and 10¢ brown, tied by New York cds's on a blue folded letter sheet to Vera Cruz, Mexico, small sealed tear at top, F.-V.F. Scott No. 165+161 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $550

1875, 2¢ vermilion (pair) + 1873, 6¢ dull pink + 3¢ green, tied by indistinct target cancels on an 1876 registered yellow cover with Basil, O. cds to Pittsburgh, Pa.; part of back flap replaced, otherwise Very Fine, an attractive 3-color franking. Scott No. 178+158+159 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $145

1875, 5¢ blue, tied by NYFM cancel on 1875 cover to Grossrohrsdorf, Germany, red "New York, Dec 29" cds alongside and endorsed "Pr China, Closed Mail", receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Weiss No. GE-EP3. Scott No. 179 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $240

1875, 5¢ blue (x2) and 1873, 3¢ green (x3), tied by target cancels on a buff registered cover from Steelmanville, N.J. to Philadelphia, Very Fine. Scott No. 179+158 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95

1879, 2¢ vermilion, single and vertical bisect, tied by light target with matching "Bombay, N.Y., Jul 22" cds alongside on locally addressed cover; small cover tears, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 183 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

1879, 15¢ red orange, tied by cork cancel on 1887 registered cover to Lupkow, Poland (Austrian), reverse with "Plymouth, Pa., Sep 2, 1887" origin cds and N.Y. registry oval date stamp, straight line and circular receiving postmarks; couple cover tears and edge wear, Fine, a very rare destination. Scott No. 189 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $290

1879, 1¢ ultramarine + 2¢ red brown + 12¢ dull violet + 30¢ full black, tied by New York duplex cancels on an 1891 registered cover used locally (2 backstamps), Very Fine, a fabulous 4-color franking; with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 190+145+146+151+ Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650

1882, 5¢ yellow brown, right wing margin single paying the single 5¢ UPU rate on 1888 cover to Cassel, Germany, uprated just before posting with 1888, 5¢ blue (s.e. at right) for supplementary mail fee, all tied by two strikes of "N.Y., Supplementary Paid, Apr 21, 88" cds and "1" duplex killer; slight cover reduction at left, Very Fine and choice, an exceptional 5¢ Garfield issue usage. Scott No. 205+216 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500