1845 Wilmington, Del. incoming from Trinidad, Mar 1, 1845 red cds with red "SHIP" handstamp (22 x 5mm, unlisted in ASCC) on folded letter from Trinidad (British West Indies) to Baltimore, Md., with manuscript "Crescent" at lower left, file fold, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce mark. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

1852 Baltimore, Md. to Naples, Italy, cover with blue Feb. 3 origin cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with "24" manuscript rate, endorsed "Liverpool m. Steamer", red "3" credit handstamp crossed out and red Paris exchange, Genova cachet handstamp and receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Boston, Mass. incoming covers, 2 ship covers: red arc "Ship/6" and extremely fine strike on a folded letter from Liverpool, England and red May 31, 1832 Boston, Mass. cds with red SHIP (24 x 6mm), also 2 New York integral Ship cancels on separate covers, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $350

Corwine, Bro. & Co., Commercial Agents & Forwarding Merchants, Panama, corner card imprint on cover to Salam, Mass., entered the mails in New York City with "Steam Ship, 30 Cts" handstamp, Extremely Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

Giro & Francia, New York, bold 3-line forwarder stencil and manuscript "Jun 7/56" date on reverse of folded letter from Havana, Cuba to Paris, France, entered the mails with red "New York, Am. Pkt., Jun 7" cds and pencil "21" rate, French entry cds and "8" decimes due handstamp; file fold, Very Fine, a very rare stencil forwarding agent marking. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $90

Gracie & Sargent, New York, red forwarder's oval handstamp on reverse of incoming 1836 folded letter to Wilmington, Delaware from Langenschwalbach, Germany, with additional "Forwarded by Yr. Obt Servts, Welles & Co., Paris" 3-line forwarder handstamp alongside, inner lettersheet with large detailed lithograph scene of pavilion, entered the mails with red "New York" cds and manuscript "12½" rate; letter fold tears and small piece missing from flap, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

Hurtado i Hermanos, Panama, bold strike of red oval forwarder's handstamp on 1858 folded letter from Callao, Peru to San Francisco, Cal. from the Crosby & Dibblee correspondence; light file folds, Very Fine. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $50