Arctic & Antarctic Expedition/Operation Covers, 1934-98. 100 covers and cards; nice range of covers mostly U.S. from the 1940-70's, including antarctic naval operation Highjump & Deep Freeze, Burton Island helicopter flights, Arctic laboratories including the Arlis labs & Ice Island T-3, etc. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $120
Papua Collection, 1901-69. Mostly mint on album pages; better mint with 1901 First issues complete mint, 1916-31 set, good completion in 1940-50's issues, etc.; worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
Philippines Revenue Accumulation. Blocks, part sheets and singles in duplication, many hundreds of various issues, including a little used; owner's cat $3,800, please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $260
Philippines Covers. 58 covers and cards; mostly late Republic usages, please inspect. Estimate $30 - 50.
Realized: $10
Poland Collection, 1918-45. Mounted on pages in binder; excellent completion throughout and appears to be missing only the 1918-19 Cracow issues; from #1 on with highlights including 1928 Warsaw sheet mint, semi-postals complete with all better souvenir sheets, complete airmails and dues missing only 1st issue, etc.; a nice collection, well worth inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
Poland Collection, 1919-92. In two stockbooks, mostly in complete sets, with much early material, minor duplication, back-of-the-book, some covers and loose in glassine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75
2726 o/
Portugal Postmark Collection, 1800-80. 58 covers (mostly stampless) and over 40 early issues mounted on annotated display pages (in German); of cover stamps showing the various numeral grid and bar oval handstamp types, a fine selection of early stampless covers with various town and rate handstamps, incoming, stamp issue period covers mostly 25r usages from various towns. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $800
Portugal Collection, 1850-1970's. Mint and used housed in two Lighthouse albums; strong completion in used 19th century issues including 1862 & 1866 issues complete, 1895 St. Anthony set missing only 500r used, 20th century with good mint including the 1925-28 commemorative sets, most better 1940's souvenir sheets present as well as sets, good range of later occasional spotty in some issues, mint airmails and some other back-of-the-book; a good collection, worth evaluation. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,400
Portugal & Colonies Collection, 1860-1950's. In Scott album; strength in select countries with others sparse, good showing of Angola, Azores with good early issues, 1895 St. Anthony set used and mint completion thereafter, some Macao, Nyassa, strong St. Thomas & Prince Islands; condition a bit above the norm, worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,700
Portugal & Colonies Group. Consisting of 2 album collections and stock; collections with a mix of mostly used early issues with sparse later yet occasional good set, good showing of Macao issues, stock including some good mint sets; worth careful inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $2,000