Aden Collection, 1937-55. Mostly mint on album pages; complete issues to 1951 mostly mint including #1-12 n.h. (cat $745), also complete mint states with n.h.; condition well above the norm. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $600
Albania Selection. Mostly mint overprint issues in quantities in stockbook; large multiples, early 20th century issues, etc.; please inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $260
Antigua Collection, 1863-1953. On album pages; near complete mostly used QV's and good later mint including all View and Seal sets, 1921 KGV to the £1, etc.; condition well above the norm. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $650
Argentina Postal Stationery Collection. 72 mostly used envelopes, wrappers and postcards, mostly early domestic usages; condition mixed. Estimate $40 - 60.
Realized: $50
Ascension Collection, 1922-56. Complete mint issues mostly n.h. from the 1930's; including KGV View and Seal of Colony sets, KGVI Views with perf varieties appearing complete n.h.; condition well above the norm. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $650
Asia Picture Post Cards. Interesting mix of several hundred mostly mint cards; including scenes from Southeast Asia, India, China and Japan, including 5 different Chinese execution/death cards, Japan including 8 Chicago Cubs and Wasda baseball scenes including 3 real photo, few other cards including Hawaii real photo, Europe and some U.S.; worth inspection. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $625
Asia Covers. 60 covers and cards; Thailand with 1901 2a, 4a & 10a lettercard usages, later Japan including 1930 registered from Keijo, Korea to Germany, Vietnam, much l980's mail from Japan and China; worth a look. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $1,350
Lot 2359 o
New South Wales Collection, 1850-99. On album pages with strength in early issues; nice range of 1850-51 issues with many 4-margin copies including Scott #1, 3d, 9a (with cert.), 6, 8-9, etc., 1851-55 QV's complete to the 6d (plate I & II), 1860-62 issues complete, various later complete sets and high values, some official, charity issues complete, includes a nice section of varieties including better; condition mixed with many attractive issues throughout.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,800
Tasmania Collection, 1855-1912. Mostly used on album pages; fair range of early imperf issues with good four margin including 1857, 2d sage green and 1858 6d blue gray, representation of later perf issues, 1870-80 QV's and 20th century commemoratives */o, some additional material; condition mixed. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $230
Tasmania Stock. Used issues on stockpages and cards; includes a good range of early Van Diemensland issues including shades, later QV issues with occasional mint duplication not to heavy on issues with a pleasant range of cancels, high cat value; condition mixed, please inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $300