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Sale 27: The Autumn Sale

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U.S. General Collections

Lots 2280-2289 Lots 2290-2299 Lots 2300-2309 Lots 2310-2319 Lots 2320-2329 Lots 2330-2339 Lots 2340-2349 Lots 2350-2351

Lot 2300    

United States Balance. Mostly mint issues on pages including many better blocks, including mint #157 block of 4 (cat $2,000), #210 block on horiz laid paper variety, #227 block (cat $1,400), small bureau imperf pairs (stuck down), other no gum banknote multiples, #275 block (stuck down), later 4th bureau plate blocks, back-of-the-book including special delivery issues, etc.; condition mixed, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $1,250

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Lot 2301 /o   

United States Accumulation. In large box; includes two volume collection with useful issues including mint airmails #C1-6, C18, modern mint sheet (some stuck down), Hawaii including good banknote issues including 1893 overprint high values, mint #71b (cat $300); please inspect.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $675

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Lot 2302 /o   

United States Collection and Balance. Albums, stockbooks, binders, etc., in large box, collections with a useful range of material from mixed early classics to airmails with mint #C18, revenues, etc., also hundred or so souvenir panels.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $300

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Lot 2303 /o   

Cover Accumulation. Hundreds loose and in binders; from early stampless to 1950's commemorative, please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $160

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Lot 2304 /o   

Consignment Balance. Miscellaneous group including used stock in glassine, mint sets and modern sheets, etc.; please inspect for full evaluation.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $525

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Lot 2305


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Lot 2306 /o   

Balance. Includes a mixed of used classics, some plate blocks, FDC's, etc.; please inspect.
Estimate    $40 - 60.

Realized: $40

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Lot 2307    

Commemorative Stock, 1920-40's. Fresh singles, blocks and plate blocks mostly on stockcards; issues with Pilgrim Tercentenary including gem n.h., Hug-Wall issues with many plate blocks, Lex-Con strong in singles and plate blocks, XF jumbo, etc., Norse-Am, Wash Bicentennial with plates, Parks, F.A.'s, etc.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $1,800

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Lot 2308 /   

United States Stock, 1920-30's. 425 stamps on stockcards, mix of issues from 4th bureaus to FA's, some earlier Wash-Frank issues, airmails, plate blocks including later $1 P. Henry, Kans-Nebr issues, mostly n.h. material, please inspect for full evaluation.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $200

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Lot 2309


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Lots 2280-2289 Lots 2290-2299 Lots 2300-2309 Lots 2310-2319 Lots 2320-2329 Lots 2330-2339 Lots 2340-2349 Lots 2350-2351

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