Mexico, 1868, 6c black on buff, perf'd, Mexico. 3 stamps; 2 mint (cons 1-71 & 72) with Cuautitlan subdistrict overprints, used (cons 1-69) with oval Cuautitlan oval handstamp (Schatzkes 205V); small scissor cut in margin of 1st mint stamp, Fine. Scott No. 65 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $240

Mexico, 1868, 6c-12c Hidalgo issue sub-districts, Mexico. 8 stamps; 6c mint & 12c with Apam overprints, 6 12c with Chalco postmark or overprint, two with Amecameca postmarks, F.-V.F. Scott No. 65-66 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Cuernavaca. Perf'd horizontal pair, cons 24-69, tied by circular Tetecala eagle handstamp (Schatzkes 230) on 1869 folded letter sheet, Mexico receiver on reverse; corner nick in letter sheet at top left, Very Fine. Scott No. 66 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $130
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Cuernavaca. Perf'd horizontal pair, cons 24-70, canceled by Tasco straight line (Schatzkes 226) on 1870 folded letter sheet, F.-V.F., ex Josling (no photo). Scott No. 66 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $25

Lot 1893 o
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Mexico. Perf'd, cons 1-71, "Tepeji del Rio" sub-district cancel (Schatzkes 852B), clear to large margins, Very Fine.Scott No. 66 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $45

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, "85" for "25", Mexico. Perf'd, cons 1-70, well centered single tied by Mexico circular handstamp on 1870 folded letter to Puebla, Very Fine; with 1986 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 68d Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $45

Lot 1895 o
Mexico, 1868, 50c black on yellow, District "13" for "7" error, Monterrey. Perf'd, cons 13-69, circular cancel, F.-V.F.Scott No. 69 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

Mexico, 1868, 100c black on brown, Merida. horizontal pair, perf'd, cons 19-70, in combination with 12c + 25c + 50c imperf singles (cons 19-71 & 19-70 for later), tied to reverse of large wrapper back by three strikes of the Yzamal box cancel (Schatzkes 794, not listed on '68 issue), manuscript date above, Very Fine, a remarkable 4-color franking. Scott No. 70 + 59-62 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $1,450

Lot 1897 o
Mexico, 1868 Hidalgo issue, Colima balance. 62 stamps; 6c - 15 (3 pairs with thick & thin figure pairs tied on pieces, 12c - 17 (3 pairs), 25c - 24 (with 12c combination on piece), 50c - 4, 100c - 2; mostly Colima circular cancels, F.-V.F. overall.Scott No. 46//68 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1868 Hidalgo issue, Orizava balance. 106 stamps; includes 6c - 16, 12c - 35, 25c - 62, 50c - 1, 100c - 2, highlights include 6c block of 4, 25c manuscript canceled pair, 3 - 25c plate A's, some out of district postmarks and a 100c black on brown perf thin figure, a 100c thick figure imperf 18-"89", many thin figures, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $400