Lot 1834 o
Mexico, 1868, 6c-25c issues, Victoria. 6c cons 29-71, 12c & 25c cons 29-70, all with Santa Barbara boxed cancels (Schatzkes 1823), four margins, Very Fine.Scott No. 58-61 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

Mexico, 1868, 6c-25c issues, Victoria. 5 covers; including a 6c block of 4 and another with a strip of 4, two covers with pairs of 12c, one canceled Mier, all with docketing, F.-V.F. overall. Scott No. 58-61 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $375

Mexico, 1868, 6c-50c Issues on cover, Zacatecas. 7 covers all with Zacatecas circular postmarks; includes 3 - 2 color frankings and a 50c on cover, F.-V.F. overall. Scott No. 58-61 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Chihuahua. horizontal pair, imperf, cons 21-71, ample to large margins, canceled by oval Rio Florido handstamp (Schatzkes 166C) on 1871 folded letter sheet, Very Fine. Scott No. 59 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75
Lot 1838 o
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Cordova. Imperf, cons 20-70, Coscomatepec box cancel (Schatzkes 191), thinning, Very Fine appearance (no photo).Scott No. 59 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $65

Lot 1839 o
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Cuernavaca. Imperf, cons 24-71, with additional Veracruz overprint, Veracruz 4/06/72 cds, F.-V.F. and rare.Scott No. 59 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Durango. Cons 22-69, horizontal pair canceled by San Dimas manuscript on folded letter sheet with matching "May 16, 1870" alongside, Very Fine. Scott No. 59 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95

Lot 1841 o
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Guadalajara. 12 imperfs, cons 41-69, 70 & 71, various cancels include Atotonilco, Tonyla, Tepic & Guzman., F.-V.F. overall.Scott No. 59 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

Lot 1842 o
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, postal forgery, Oaxaca. Imperf, cons 23-71, with additional Veracruz overprint, used in Veracruz, F.-V.F., very scarce; with 1989 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 59 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

1843 (
Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green + 50c black on yellow, strip of three and single, Oaxaca. Imperf, cons 23-71, tied by boxed "Franco" cancels (Schatzkes 1023A) on front; insect hole between 50c & 12c stamps., otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 59+62 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260