Lombardy-Venetia, 1850, 30c brown. 4 margin single tied to reverse of registered 1851 folded letter to Disentis, tied by "Cihavenna, 15 Feb." straight line postmark, additional strike on front with red "Raccomandata" handstamps and manuscript rates; slight toning, F.-V.F. Scott No. 5 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $525

Modena, 1852, 5c black on green, without period after value. Large margins all round, tied by blue bar cancel on 1855 folded letter to Modena, matching boxed "P.D." handstamp and Sasuolo fancy origin postmark; cover with small piece of cellophane tape at lower left, Very Fine. Sassone No. 1. Scott No. 1 Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $190

Modena, 1852, 15c black on yellow, without period after value. Bottom margins single with large margins around, tied by grid cancel paying the 15c rate from Modena to Mantoval, partial blue Modena origin postmark and receiving backstamp, Extremely Fine, a gem on cover usage. Sassone No. 3. Scott No. 3 Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $110

Modena, 1852, 25c black on buff, without period after value. In combination 1852, 5c green, period after the figure of value on reverse of 1853 folded letter to Montalchio, tied by barr cancels and "Castel No. Nemonta" straightline postmark, red official eagle cachet, Very Fine and choice. Sassone No. 4+7. Scott No. 4+6 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $350

Modena, 1852, 40c black on light blue. Tied to piece by full neat Reggio straight line date stamp, large margins all rouknd, bright color, Extremely Fine and choice; with 1977 E. Diena certificate. Scott No. 5a. Sassone No. 5 €1,850 ($2,534).
Realized: $625

Naples, 1858, 1g Coat of Arms Issue. Type I & II horiz pairs on separate covers; both with huge margins, both sent to Napoli and both with rolling "'Annullato"' cancels, type I usage from "'Molfetti'", other from "'Lonvorsano'", Extremely Fine, exceptional quality. Sassone No. 3, 4. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $325

Lot 1483 o
Naples, 1858 ½g-20g Coat of Arms issues. Small assembly of 18 select issues all with large to huge margins and neat cancellations; 1/2gr single, 1gr pair with joined 'Annullato' rolling cancel & two singles, 8 2gr singles, two on piece, two 5gr singles, a 10gr single and two 20gr (both shades, both signed) all with light boxed town strikes, Extremely Fine, an exceptional used group. Sassone No. 1//13 €4,400+ ($6,028).Scott No. 1-6 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $950

Naples & Sicily/Two Sicilies, 1859, 50g dark brown red. Part o.g., full even margins, rich color, Extremely Fine; with 2005 A.P.S. certificate. Scott No. 18 $725.
Realized: $65

Romagna, 1859, 4b black on fawn. Full o.g., large margins, bright and fresh, Very Fine and choice. Sassone No. 5. Scott No. 5 $650.
Realized: $110

Roman States Covers, 1852-70. 29 franked covers; mostly domestic usages with many scarce mixed and multiple frankings, better items include 1867, 40c no period variety single usage, 1863 mixed franking to England, 1852 3b black on green bisect usage, 1866 cover with Italy 10c postage due pair (#J1), highlighted by a rare 1856 cover to Rome with 1852, 2b + 6b + 7b franking (2b no period variety), also a Sicily #13g single usage, Very Fine, a choice group of covers. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,100