Thurn & Taxis, 1852-67 Thurn & Taxis Exhibition Collection. Main collection of 58 used singles and 22 mostly better covers representing all five Northern and Southern District issues; stamps with complete basic issues including 1859 30kr (2003 Sem cert.), 1866 ¼sgr, 1/3sgr & 2sgr key values, a strong showing of better on cover usages with highlights including Marburg to Giessen bearing 1852 ½sgr + ¼sgr for local delivery, 1858 Berka to Dermbach franked with 4 1852 ¼sgr singles (rare multiple stamp usage), 1852 Frankfort to Ortenburg bearing 1kr strip of 4 and two singles + 6kr paying triple 4kr rate, 1856 Mainz to New York City with 47kr prepaid by 1852 9kr strip of 5 + 1kr two singles (file folds), 1859 1kr + 6kr + 15kr on 1860 N. Inglelheim folded letter to Cinncinnati, O., 1859 30kr + 1kr two singles + 1862 6kr bister on 1866 Wiesbaden cover to Philadelphia, Pa. (a very scarce 30kr orange usage), 1865 Hamburg to Rouen, France franked with 2sgr pair + ½sgr, 1865 6kr on 1867 Haiger money order, 1866 ½sgr yellow on 1867 Weimar to Apolda cover, etc.; a wonderful collection with condition well above the norm throughout, overall Very Fine. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.

Thurn & Taxis, 1852-67 Thurn & Taxis Postmark Exhibition Collection. Well over 350 stamps and 28 covers mounted on annotated display pages; with main focus on the town numeral ring cancels, with majority of off cover stamps with ring cancels, with some better issues including two 1866 ¼sgr singles (cat €1,800 each), some stampless covers and various franked mostly showing ring numerals including 1865 ¼sgr on 1866 Apolda wrapper to Kottbus, Hotel Post, 1866 2sgr blue with socked-on-the-nose Tanna town postmark, late and newly open offices, railway, etc.; condition a little mixed yet above the norm overall, generally Very Fine. Estimate $4,000 - 4,500.

1382 o/
Thurn & Taxis, Postal History Collection. Over 30 stamps and 45 covers mounted on annotated display pages; selection of covers ranging from first issues to the later issues roulettes, with highlights including 1861 Homburg cover to Belguim franked with 1859 1kr + 15kr, 1865 Hamburg cover to Marseille, France via Forbach exchange office franked with 1862 ½sgr + 1865 2sgr pair, 1866 Neustadt to Cõln with 1862 9kr type I-II horizontal pair, stamps include mixed frankings and multiples on piece, 1858 1/3sgr black on buff vertical pair, 1865 Darmstadt - Bahnhof cover to France bearing 2 1865 6kr singles, etc.; overall condition well above the norm, overall Very Fine. Estimate $2,000 - 2,500.

1383 o/
Thurn & Taxis, 1852-68 Thurn & Taxis Exhibition Collection. 48 covers mounted on annotated display pages of the first three imperf issues of the Northern and Southern Districts; mostly first issues usages with a variety of town postmarks, mixed & combination frankings, various rates including local delivery and a few foreign destinations, with highlights including Southern District with 1859 1kr pair + 6kr + 15kr franking on fully paid 1860 Wiesbaden cover to London, England and a 15kr single paying rate on 1866 registered folded letter to Wien, Austria, Northern District with 1863 Rinteln to Bueckeburg cover franked 1862 ¼sgr + 1sgr payng rate including local delivery, 1862 ½sgr on 1866 Rosenthal cover to Wetter, nice 1858 1/3sgr black on buff off cover, 1858 ¼sgr black on red brown in combination with ½sgr black on green on 1859 Lengsfeld cover to Dermbach and in combination with 1sgr black on light blue on 1858 Welmar cover to Jena; overall cover condition and postmark strikes select and well above what is normally encountered, Very Fine. Estimate $3,000 - 3,500.

1384 o/
Thurn & Taxis, 1852-71 Thurn & Taxis Exhibition Collection. Several dozen stamps or on piece items and 36 covers and entires mounted on annotated display pages; includes N.G.C. period covers with foreign destinations and Reich forerunner, multiples and combinations on piece, 1kr jumbos, mostly postal stationery entires including good 1861 2kr entire Darmstadt "Bahnhof" to Oberramstadt, 9kr entire uprated with 9kr bister paying 1867 rate from Worms to London, England via Belgium, selection of unused entires, etc., overall Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Württemberg, 1857, 18kr blue. Tied on small piece by town cancel, Fine. Michel No. 10. Scott No. 12 $1,150.
Realized: $75

Lot 1386 o
Württemberg, 1869, 14kr lemon yellow. Manuscript and town cancels, strong color, Fine. Michel No. 41b.Scott No. 52a $1,400.
Realized: $50