Prussia, 1861-67 Prussia Exhibition Collection. Over 230 stamps and 40 covers mounted on display pages featuring the Coat of Arms issue; with mint issues representing virtually every issues for the period including the 1866 issues and a mint mostly n.h. 1867 3kr block of 12 and 6kr block of 15 (Mi. #24 €2,100 & #25a €3,500), an array of 1861-65 issues with choice town cancels including many pairs, strips and on piece, some later issue King William IV issues including 1sgr with rare Welfer "1605" ring numeral, cover and postal stationery usages with exceptional town cancels and some franked foreign destinations, used 1866 issues with various towns and pairs, 1867 kreuzer issues with used and postal entire usages, selection of cut squares and some 1864 & 1873 reprint entires; choice material throughout, Very Fine overall. Estimate $3,000 - 3,500.
Realized: $3,000

Prussia, 1871-1931 Prussia Foreign Incoming Cover Collection. Over 70 covers or cards mounted on display pages; various incoming usages from origins including Netherlands, many usages from Russia, Mexico, Cuba, England, Greece, Spain, Canada, Belgium, Hungary, various Latin America countries including Brazil and Chile, etc., Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $725

Saxony, 1802-63 Saxony Exhibition Collection. Over 240 stamps and 36 covers mounted on display pages; covers mostly early stampless including 1805 Haute Saxe straight line and other towns including a nice range of Leipzig townmarks, stamps includes a fine 1850 3pf brick red tied on piece (1982 Pröschold cert.), 1851 3pf types mint and better Mi. #2IId on wrapper (signed Bühler), 1851-52 King August II issues with mint and variety of used (all 4-margin), 1855-60 King John I issues with mint blocks, singles and some scarcer later printing shades, 5gr on cover (Mi. #12d, €2,000), town postmark & postal entire sections, 1863 Cost of Arms issue with printing shade varieties, multiples and a selection of town postmarks; choice issues and covers throughout, Very Fine overall. Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.

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Saxony, 1855-74 Saxony Postmark Collection. Well over 400 stamps and 44 covers or cards mounted on display pages; including numerical cancels on King Johann I issues with attractive 1862 3-color franking on cover to Warschau, similar study of the 1863 Coat of Arms issue including many interesting on cover usages, North German Confederation issues used in Saxony with a town cancel study and covers, German Empires usages, postal stationery including cut-out usages, etc.; an attractive postmark collection, overall Very Fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,500

Saxony, 1890-1935 Saxony Incoming Covers. 36 covers or cards mounted on display pages; nice range of countries (mostly turn of the century usages) including Bulgaria, Victoria, Mexico and other Latin America, U.S., China, France, Russia, etc., Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $600

Schleswig-Holstein, 1850-66, Schleswig-Holstein Exhibition Collection. Well over 200 stamps mostly used and 14 covers or cards mounted on display pages; with a few 1850 Feldpost stampless, 1850 issues with several mint examples each and highlighted by a rare full even margin used 1s dark blue & greenish blue, selection of mint and mostly multiple used of the 1864-65 Numeral issues including the 1864 4s bister used, 1864 Holstein issues including mint and on cover, 1865 Numeral with a good showing of shade varieties, section of ring numerals used on early Denmark issues and additional town postmarks and incoming mails; with condition far superior than normally encountered, Very Fine. Estimate $5,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $4,000

Thurn & Taxis, 1855 Gotha folded letter to Tampico, Mexico. Bold "Gotha, 28/12" cds with red crayon "3-25" for a total of 28sgr prepaid, red "P" in circle handstamp applied at Aachen exchange office, red Southampton transit cds and "1" reale due handstamp for inland transit from Tampico port of entry, Extremely Fine. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $290

Thurn & Taxis, 1859, 5sgr lilac. In combination with 1862-63 ¼sgr black + ½sgr orange yellow + 1sgr rose, all tied by "44" numeral target handstamps on 1865 folded letter to Brescia, Italy, matching "Cassel, 1/2" cds at top, Milano transit and receiving backstamps; ¼sgr with defects at left, Fine, still a very scarce 4-color franking. Scott No. 13+15+17+18 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

Thurn & Taxis, 1859, 5sgr lilac. Strong bright color and full margins all around, neatly tied by "14" numeral target cancel on fresh 1861 registered cover to Berlin, bold sharp "Cassel, 2/3, 1861" cds and matching "Chargé" registry boxed handstamp, Extremely Fine and choice, a gem registry usage. Michel No. 18. Scott No. 13 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425

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Thurn & Taxis, 1859, 10sgr orange. Numeral target cancel, clear to ample margins, Fine. Michel No. 19.Scott No. 14 $1,000.
Realized: $55