Malta, 1922-26 Britannia Issues. Selection of 12 different stamps (Scott #'s 97-100, 103, 105, 107-109, 111-112, 114, S.G. #'s 122-125, 128, 130, 132-134, 136-137, 140), o.g., never hinged, all bright and fresh, Very Fine. SG No. 112//140 £161 for hinged ($253). Scott No. 97//114 $208 for hinged.
Realized: $145

Lot 1175 o
Mauritius, 1848, 1d bright vermilion on yellowish, intermediate impression. Position 8, "9" in target cancel of Poudre d"Or, large margins, bright color, small margin thin in top left corner, otherwise Very Fine, a gorgeous stamp; with 1982 Bloch certificate. Scott No. 3b $2,400.SG No. 10 £2,000 ($3,140).
Realized: $625

Lot 1176 o
Mauritius, 1859, 2d blue, early impression. Muted bar oval cancel, mostly ample margins to clear, strong impression and color, tiny tear and thin speck at top, Fine appearance, quite scarce. Scott No. 14 $2,250.SG No. 37 £1,800 ($2,826).
Realized: $210

Lot 1177 o
Mauritius, 1859, 2d blue on bluish, worn impression. Large oversized margins to just shaving at lower right, bright color, Fine; with 1983 Korwin certificate. Scott No. 14Bd $525.SG No. 39 £475 ($746).
Realized: $140

Lot 1178 o
Mauritius, 1848, 1d red brown on bluish, worn impression. "Inland" boxed handstamp, margins ample to clear, strong color, thin in top right corner, otherwise Fine. Scott No. 5b $475.SG No. 19 £450 ($706).
Realized: $50

New Britain, 1914, 3d on 30pf black and orange on buff. O.g., lightly hinged, well centered, Post Office fresh, Very Fine and choice; with 1983 B.P.A. certificate. Scott No. 35 $375. SG No. 55 £350 ($550).
Realized: $290

New Zealand, 1906, 1d rose carmine, two large hole machine coil. Horizontal strip of 4, o.g., never hinged, nicely centered, bright and very fresh, Very Fine and choice, a very scarce multiple, quite rare in never hinged condition; with 1979 E. Diena certificate. SG No. 365 £480 for hinged singles ($754).
Realized: $675

New Zealand, 1906, ½d-6p Christchruch Exhibition complete. O.g., hinge remnant, particularly well centered for this tight margin issue, fresh colors, Very Fine; with 2006 S. Sismondo certificate. Scott No. 122-125 $312. SG No. 370-373 £225 ($353).
Realized: $210


New Zealand, Special Delivery, 1937-39 6d carmine & bright violet, Wiggins Teape paper, perf 14x14½. Corner margin block of 4 with control number, o.g., never hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. E1. SG No. E4 £340 for o.g. singles ($534).
Realized: $280

Niger Coast Protectorate, 1894, ½d on 1d dull blue. Tied on small piece by town cancel, faint perf toning at top, still Very Fine. SG No. 57 £450 ($706).
Realized: $220