(Depreciated Currency) Incoming covers. 8 covers; mostly into New York City and Boston, Ma., U.S. notes ranging from 13 to 78, including usages from Russia, France & England, Very Fine overall. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $950

(Depreciated Currency) Lisbon, Portugal to Burlington, Vermont. 1869 cover with manuscript "Cts 24" and "Lisboa, 13/9, 1869" origin cds, manuscript "340" rating and "36" handstamp, reverse with red "London, Sp 17, 69" & "New York, Sep 30" transit cds's, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
The 24¢ rate represents the initial amount due without fine or depreciated currency increase, rate from Portugal to England was 6d (12c U.S) from 1-Aug-1866 to 1-Jul-1875 per British Packet via Southampton. There was to be a 2d fine per half ounce on mail sent unpaid via this route, plus deficiency, and this was the secondary route requiring endorsement per this route, rate to the U.S. from England was 6d (12 cents) with the U.S. being credited with 2¢ for inland postage, although only 10¢ was added to destinations or origins beyond England because British transit was operable on only one route, thus the rate became 22¢ total, the secondary route via Southampton was 6d with an additional 2d fine for being unpaid. To this was added the remainder of the 6d treaty rate to the U.S.: 6d less 1d transit and 1d U.S. inland, or 4d for a combined total of 12d or 24¢ debited to the U.S., to the 24¢ was added a fine of 5¢ for having arrived unpaid in the U.S. for a total of 29¢ due in gold or 36¢ in U.S. notes, this results in ratio of 1.24, probably per the return trip of the Brazil mail packet to G.B. and per Cunard Line steamer Cuba departing Liverpool 18 Sep. arriving New York 29 Sep.
Realized: $135

(Depreciated Currency) Liverpool, England to Boston, Mass. 1864 folded letter with "pr Damascus via Londonderry" routing endorsement, "Boston 24 Am Pkt Or U.S. 27 Notes, Jan 7" receiving cds over "6 Cents" debit handstamp to the U.S. (3 cents British inland x2), "48" & circular "IN U.S. NOTES 73" handstamps, values in the over - under Boston marking have been crossed through, transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, per the Allan Line steamer Damascus departing Liverpool 7-Jan-1864, Londonderry 8-Jan-1864 arriving Portland 26-Jan-1864, a double rate cover with an observed depreciated currency ratio of 1.52. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $425

(Depreciated Currency) London, England to New York, N.Y. 1864 folded letter with "London, Jy 2 64" date stamp and manuscript "38" cents debit to the U.S. (19¢ x 2), "U.S. Notes, 120" handstamp and "48" cents due per half ounce for up to an ounce, "Pr Australasian" ship endorsement, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Carried by Cunard Line steamer "Australasian" departing Liverpool 2-Jul. arriving New York 13-Jul. According to Hargest the height of inflation occurred on July 11, following Gen. Jubal Early's attack on Washington on July 9. No steamer arrived in either Boston or N.Y. until July 12 (Etna) and the Australasian in New York on July 13, observed depreciated currency ratio of 2.5 and one of the highest possible.
Realized: $1,450

(Depreciated Currency) manuscript depreciated covers. 2 covers; 1865 Southampton with manuscript 46/33 rate and 1869 Rome with 71¢ rate, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $550

(Depreciated Currency) Montevideo, Uruguay to New York, N.Y. 1863 folded letter with "via Southampton" routing endorsement at top, "Admon De Correos Montevideo 30 Abril 1863" origin date stamp, "63" cents due, "New York Am. Pkt. Jun 18" exchange cds & "45" cents in gold coin due handstamp, red London transit cds on reverse; file folds, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
The 24 cents debit represents the packet rate for half ounce from Montevideo to Southampton, plus 21 cents per half ounce from G.B. to the U.S. (5 cents U.S. inland plus 16 cents sea) to total 45 cents due in gold coin or 63 cents in U.S. notes, per Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. steamer Oneida, departing Montevideo 30-Apr-1863, arriving Southampton 2-Jun-1863, per the Inman Line steamer City of Manchester, departing Liverpool 3-Jun-1863, Queenstown 4-Jun-1863, arriving New York 18-Jun-1863, a fairly early depreciated currency cover.
Realized: $230

(Depreciated Currency) Pembroke Dock, England to Jonesville, Wisconsin. 1863 cover with "Pembroke Dock, Au 10, 63" origin cds and "3 Cents" debit handstamp to the U.S. for British inland, red "X" in circle handstamp which may have used to denote some delay or missorting, blue "Chicago Am. Pkt., Aug 30 24" cds and matching "In U.S. Notes 27" in circle, red London transit on reverse, Very Fine, processed through the Chicago exchange and rated 24 cents in gold or 29 cents in U.S. notes for a ration of 1.125, per the Allan Line steamer North American departing Liverpool 13 Aug, 1863 and arriving in Quebec 27 Aug, 1863. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950

(Depreciated Currency) Wadstena, Sweden to St. Paul, Minnesota. 1874 cover with "Wadstena, 12/5 1874" origin cds and blue "U.S. Currency, 15" handstamp, reverse with "PKSP No.2 NED 14 5 1874" railroad transit & blue "Chicago Ill., Unpaid, May 31" exchange cds; light cover soiling and edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
The convention between the U.S., Sweden and Norway (1-Jul-1873) lists the closed mail rate via England as 9¢ paid or 14¢ unpaid, this would result in an observed depreciated currency ratio of 1.07, the only sailings that fit are: Cunard Line steamer Parthia departing Liverpool 19-May-1874 arriving New York 30-May, or North German Lloyd steamer Main departing Bremen 16-May-1874, Southampton 19-May arriving New York 29-May-1874.
Realized: $425

(Depreciated Currency) Zurich, Switzerland to Milwaukee, Wisc. 1863 cover with "Zurich, 11 Juni 63" cds and endorsed "Via Prussian Closed Mail" at top, "Aachen, Cts. 13/6" transit cds, "35" cents due (PCM rate changed to 3¢ 5/63) & "48 in U.S. Notes" handstamp, reverse with oval "Sachweiz Uber Baden" railroad handstamp, partial Coeln railroad transit & boxed "F.B. 12 JUN Curs" date stamp, "Boston. Fr. Pkt Jun 26" exchange cds, Very Fine, cover sent per Cunard Line steamer Canada, departing Liverpool 13-Jun-1863 and arriving Boston 26-Jun-1863, observed ratio of 1.37. a fairly early depreciated currency cover. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $200

95 o/
(Supplementary Mail) New York Incoming and Outgoing Foreign Mail Cancels. A wonderful specialized study of the New York "numeral in barred oval" cancel on and off cover, this cancel was used primarily during the Banknote period and was used on both incoming & outgoing mails, the main use of this cancel on incoming mail was to obliterate arriving ship mail from foreign destinations, the collection is comprised of 34 United States covers or cards used to foreign destinations, 8 United States covers/cards from arriving ship mail, 82 foreign covers or cards with the cancel used on incoming mail, plus a 494 stamps showing the barred numeral cancel (mainly on foreign stamps). Many countries are represented such as Brazil, British Offices in the Levant, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Danish West Indies, Haiti, El Salvador, France, Great Britain, Mexico, Gibraltar, etc., many better and unusual usages are included, noted is a cover sent from Haiti to New York with 1888 label of S.S. Atlas Ship Wreck, mixed condition, a fabulous basis for an award winning exhibition collection of these rare markings, close examination is recommended to fully appreciate this collection. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $10,000