(Prussian Closed Mail) 1852 Philadelphia, Pa. to Heilbronn, Wurttemberg. Folded letter sheet with blue "Philadelphia Pa., Oct 29" cds and matching "20" rate handstamp, "N. York Am. Pkt., 23, Oct 30" cds, manuscript "47" kreuzer due, "Steamer Baltic" endorsement, reverse with red Aachen & Frankfurt transit cds's, Very Fine, this a match for the earliest recorded eastbound Prussian Closed Mail (see pg. 924-(25, APS Journal 9/84, Allan Radin). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,300

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1853 Cincinnati, O. to Ellerholz, Germany. Cover with red "Cincinnati. O. Jun 18" origin cds with matching "Paid" handstamp and manuscript "90 cut to shape" rate, red "Boston Br Pkt Jun 22" exchange cds, red crayon "28" cents credit to Prussia, red Aachen transit cds, cover rated a triple 30¢ for between 1-1½oz., PCM treaty rates were based on the English scale where there was no triple rate and progressed to a quadruple rate after an ounce, small mended cover tear, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1853 Elberfeld, Prussia to Buffalo, New York. Framed two line "Eberfeld 13/5 - 5-6" origin date stamp and manuscript "via Ostende, London, & Liverpool" routing, dateless "Aachen" and framed two line "Paid 25 cts.", handstamp credit to the U.S. in the middle, orange crayon "13" silbergroschen (paid) on the left side, red "N.York 30 Br Pkt Paid May 29" cds upper right corner. Black three line "Minden 13.5.III Deutz", red Coeln railroad transit and semicircular "American Packet" handstamp on the reverse; very slight ink erosion, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1854 Hamburg to New York, N.Y. Two line "Hamburg 24 Oct 1854" handstamp upper right corner, manuscript "via England pr Steamer" across the top, red single circle "Aachen 26 10" cds & ""Boston Br. Pkt. 30 Nov 11" (30 cents due), 5 cents debit to the U.S. and blue manuscript "2" silbergroschen internal in the middle, double line "Hamburg 24/10 1-2" cds, and semicircular "Brit: Packet" handstamp on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1854-64 Outbound covers. 3 covers, 2 to German States & to Italy; 1) Headed Boston to Leghorn, Italy 1854. Red "New - York Am. Packet Nov 25" cds upper right corner with a pencil "35" cents rate, matching "Paid" handstamp, manuscript accountancy, 2) New York to Herford 1859. Black "New - York Br. Pkt. 23 Mar 2" cds (23 cents debit), blue manuscript 13 silbergroschen due, embossed shield corner card, 3) Cincinnati to Wurttemberg 1861. Blue double line "Cincinnati O Dec 15" cds with a partial New York exchange cds, blue manuscript "45" kreuzer due in the middle, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1855-62 Incoming covers. 6 covers; 1) 1856 Berlin to Jersey City with both "Aachen 10/4" "5cts" debit & red "25cts" credit cds's, red "Boston Br. Pkt. 30 Apr 25" cds, 2) 1858 Sweden to Galesburg, Ill, "Atvidaberg 30 9 1858" origin cds, Hamburg & Aachen transits and "42" cents due, Boston exchange receiving cds on the reverse (stains), 3) Frankfurt to Davenport, Iowa 1860, with red "Boston Br. Pkt. 30 Feb 4 Paid" cds & red manuscript "fco 6/39 - 11" accountancy, 4) Zurich, Switzerland to Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1862, with "Aachen 28 9 10cts" debit cds, "35" cents due, "New York Am. Pkt Oct 14" exchange cds, oval "Schweiz Uber Baden" handstamp 5) Weingarten, Germany to Ohio 1860, semicircle "Weingarten 29/5" handstamp, double line ""Aachen 2 6 5Cts." (debit) intertwined with a partial New York exchange cds, semicircle "Speyer 2 29 5"date stamp, 6) Germany to New Haven Connecticut - undated, double line "Aachen 13 8 5 Cts" (debit) cds on the bottom, "Boston. Br. Pkt. 30 Aug 27" (due) receiving cds upper left corner, enclosure with hand drawn illustration of Windmill by lake; also 7th item probably from Denmark, but cut in half, Very Fine overall. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $550

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1857 Frederichstadt, Denmark to California. Partial "Frederichstadt 11 9" cds in the upper right corner intertwined with a partial "New - York Oct 2" exchange cds, and "Aachen 18 9 10Cts." cds, and two line "Hamburg 12 Sep 1852" transit cds, handstamp "35" cents due, blue manuscript "4" just beneath, and red crayon "2" lower right quadrant, transit cds on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1858-59 Outbound to German States. 4 covers; (1) New York to Wurttemberg 1854 with partial "New York, 23 Aug 9" cds and red "Aachen 22 8 5-6" cds on reverse (2) Cincinnati to Leipzig 1854. Red "Cincinnati O. Aug 26" cds and matching "Paid" and "30" handstamps, red "7" cents credit to Prussia, "Boston Br. Pkt. Aug 30" exchange & red "Aachen 12 9" transit cds's on reverse (3) Troy, New York to Berlin 1854. with "30" cents (unpaid) rate handstamp and blue manuscript "13" silbergroschen due (4) Cincinnati to Wurttemberg 1859, manuscript "60" cents (double unpaid rate) & manuscript 1g30kr due (45 kreuzer x 2) in Wurttemberg, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1864 Cincinnati, O. to Eschenriege, Prussia. Cover with blue "Cincinnati O., Mar 23" cds, manuscript "30" due rate for half ounce letter and endorsed "Per Prussian Closed Mail", "New York Am. Pkt., 23, Mar 26" cds (23¢ debit), blue handstamp "13" silbergroschen (about 30¢ U.S.) due, red "Aachen 15 4" cds on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

(Prussian Closed Mail) 1867 Cincinnati, O. to Carlsruhe, Baden. Blue 25mm "Cincinnati O., Nov 26" cds in the upper right corner intertwined with a "New York Am. Pkt. 23 Nov 28" cds (23 cents debit), and a partial cds with a 3 cents debit, manuscript two line "Prussian Closed Mail" upper left corner, and blue handstamp "45" kreuzer (about 30 cents U.S.) due in the middle, receiving cds on the reverse; slightly reduced on the right side, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $200