Lot 526 o
Canada, 1852, 3d orange red. Target cancel, large nicely balanced margins, rich vibrant color, Extremely Fine, choice. SG No. 5 var.Scott No. 4 $200.
Realized: $190

Canada, 1855, 6d slate gray. Just touched, fresh color, tied on small ladies cover to United States by light cancel with Montreal postmark at bottom left, stamp lifted for examination & hinged in place, Very Fine. SG No. 9. Scott No. 5 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Lot 528 o
Canada, 1897, $3 Victoria Jubilee. Light purple town cancel, rich vivid color, wide margins, Very Fine. SG No. 138.Scott No. 63 $950.
Realized: $625

Canada Cover Accumulation. Lot of 428 covers & cards with various frankings & postmarks, most all early to mid 20th century, however several interesting 19th Century covers are present including Steamboat & Registration stamps, 20th century includes first day covers, first flight covers, Advertising, Perfins and commemorative items, mixed condition, worth careful inspection as many nice items are included. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,900
Lot 530 o
Canada & Provinces Collection, 1851-1939. Neatly displayed on album pages; high degree of completion in Canada with 4-margin #1, 1852 3d & 6d values, complete 1859 values, large and small queens missing only the laid papers, Jubilees missing only $3 for completion, 1898 2¢ Imperial Penny Postage study including printing varieties, complete widowheads, complete thereon (missing one lesser issue) including 1908 Tercentenary and all later commemoratives, complete airmails, deliveries, registry including a special study of issues, Provinces with some good BC&VI issues, Newfoundland with a few early issues and later completion with complete sets, #C3b on piece, some Nova Scotia 3d imperfs 4-margin and 1860 issues complete, P.E.I., etc.; condition mixed with some nice cancelled material throughout, worth careful inspection (no photo).Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250
Lot 531 o
Canada Roller Cancellation Collection, 1894-1970. Specialized collection of approximately 2,000 stamps mounted on album pages in binder; ordered by provinces - city with strong showing of various roller types (ordered by Smythies), an array of issues mostly 1890-1930's, varieties and some sub-typing, territorial, also a section of early issues from large Queens to KGV's, multiples and a useful array of collectors' notes; strike condition varies with good completion throughout, a nice basis for further expansion (no photo).Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $725
Lot 532 o
Canada Accumulation. Used on stockpages and several albums; with useful collection from small queens on, Jubilees up to the 50¢, completion in later commemoratives & definitives with later coil and imperf pairs, back-of-the-book with perf'd officials, some provinces, a good stock from 4 margin #4's on including Sc. #14 x11, 15 x11, #20x3 and a selection of higher values, large & small queens with shades, cancels, good later perf'd Officials; worth careful evaluation (no photo).Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,700
Lot 533 o
Canada Canadian Railroad Postmarks. Small box of a few hundred stamp all with railway postmarks and neatly identified, most on 20th century singles or Postal Stationery cut squares, however some 19th century is noted on 3¢ Small Queens, mixed condition, please inspect (no photo).Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $325
Lot 534 o
Canada Railway Cancellation Accumulation. Varied stocks of many thousands; including stockpages in binder arranged by Ludlow listings with better R.P.O.'s, nice stock on hundreds on cards in stockbox with mostly later issue stamps yet some very nice strikes, also an array of 300-400 small queens on pages identified with Ludlow #'s; worth specialist inspection (no photo).Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $475
Canada Revenue Stock. Mixed range of mostly used on stockpages in binder; mostly basis issues with strong duplication at times yet mostly modest, some better issues including a #RF4a, runs and Electric - Gas & Weights and Measures, good showing of Law Stamps, etc. (no photo). Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525