(Retaliatory Rate) 1848 Liverpool, England to Philadelphia. Folded cover franked with 1841 1d red strip of 3 + 1847 1sh vert. pair tied by barred numeral "486" cancels with Liverpool backstamped postmark, endorsed "pr Europa via New York" routing at lower left & blue "58" cents due at right (double the 24¢ packet and 5¢ U.S. inland per half ounce), adhesives mostly well margined, light file fold through right 1d & heavy fold through top 1sh, Very Fine. Scott No. 3+5 Estimate $300 - 400.
Carried by Cunard Line steamer "Europa", dep Liverpool 2-Sep, arriving NY 14-Sep. paying the two time 1shillings Retaliatory Rate + 3 pence rate Late Fee. The late fee for Liverpool was on an experimental basis and charged 1d for 15 minutes after the time of clearing the letter box and 3d after 15 minutes up to 10 minutes prior to the time of dispatch from sometime in 1847 to 1 March 1849 when this rate was put into effect in several towns.
Realized: $1,200

(Retaliatory Rate) Cardiff, England (Wales) to Boston, Massachusetts. 1848 folded letter with partial "Cardiff, Sp 25 1848" cds & red "Paid, Sp 27 1848" British transit cds, blue manuscript "29" cents due (24¢ packet + 5¢ inland for a half ounce under 300 miles) in the upper right corner, manuscript "1/" & triangular Liverpool "L SP27 B" transit handstamp just beneath, F.-V.F., per the Cunard Line steamer Britannia departing Liverpool 30-Sep & arriving New York 17-Oct. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

(Retaliatory Rate) Falmouth, England to Castine, Maine. 1848 folded letter with red rimless "Falmouth, Oc 26 1848" cds & manuscript "Paid…1/" on the left side, endorsed "p first Halifax Steamer via Liverpool", red "New York, Ship, Nov 9, 34cts" cds & oval "L OC 28 A" Liverpool transit on the reverse, Very Fine, the 34¢ due represents the 24¢ packet rate plus 10¢ inland for half ounce over 300 miles, per the Cunard Line steamer America departing Liverpool 28-Oct & arriving New York 8-Nov. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $260

(Retaliatory Rate) Knaresborough, England to New York, N.Y. 1848 folded letter with blue "Knaresborough, Au 31, 1848" cds & red "29" rate handstamp, reverse with blue "Leeds Au31 1848" & "Liverpool, Sp 1, 1848" transit cds's; slight soiling, otherwise Very Fine, this was mis-rated in New York where the 29¢ due marking was applied instead of the 24¢ that should have been, per Cunard Line steamer Europa departing Liverpool 2-Sep & arriving New York 14-Sep. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $95

(Retaliatory Rate) Liverpool, England to Boston, Massachusetts. 1848 folded letter with red octagonal "Paid At Liverpool, Sp 30 1848" date stamp & red handstamped "1/" rate, blue manuscript "29" cents due (24¢ packet + 5¢ inland for a half ounce under 300 miles), Very Fine, per the Cunard Line steamer Britannia departing Liverpool 30-Sep & arriving New York 17-Oct. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

(Retaliatory Rate) Liverpool, England to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1848 cover with red octagonal "Paid At Liverpool, Ju 30 1848" date stamp & red "1/" handstamp, endorsed "Per Niagara", red "Boston Ms., Ship, Jul 12" cds with matching "34" cents due handstamp representing the 24¢ packet rate plus 10¢ inland for half ounce over 300 miles; with original enclosure, Very Fine, per the Cunard Line steamer Niagara departing Liverpool 1-Jul & arriving Boston 12-Jul. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $575

(Retaliatory Rate) London, England to New York, N.Y. 1848 folded letter with manuscript "P 2/" & red "Paid, 3 Nov 1848" origin cds, red "58" due handstamp with matching "Boston Ms, Ship, Nov 19" cds, the 2/ pays double the 1/ per half ounce G.B. contract packet rate to the U.S., the red 58 representing double the 29¢ per half ounce under 300 miles zone retaliatory rate Jun-Dec 1848, Very Fine, per Cunard Line steamer Acadia departing Liverpool 4-Nov & arriving Boston 19-Nov, this was the last eastbound voyage for Acadia which left the Cunard line on the return voyage, double rate retaliatory covers are far from common. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $800

(Retaliatory Rate) London, England to New York, N.Y. 1848 folded letter with red Maltese cross "Paid Oc 6" date stamp and red "29" cents due (24¢ packet + 5¢ inland for a half ounce under 300 miles), manuscript "1/" and red "Boston Ms, Ship, Oc 20" receiving cds, Very Fine and choice, per the Cunard Line steamer Niagara departing Liverpool 7-Oct & arriving Boston 19-Oct. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

(Retaliatory Rate) London, England to Providence, Rhode Island. 1848 folded letter with red Maltese cross date stamp and manuscript "1/" (paid), red "New York, Ship, Jul 22, 29cts" integral cds due (24¢ packet + 5¢ inland for a half ounce under 300 miles) the addressee, Very Fine, per the Cunard Line steamer Hibernia departing Liverpool 8-Jul & arriving New York 21-Jul. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

(Retaliatory Rate) Manchester, England to Boston, Massachusetts. 1848 folded letter with red "Manchester, Ju 30 1848" cds & manuscript "4/" rate, manuscript "72" rate and endorsed "pr Niagara Steamer", Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Carried per the Cunard Line steamer "Niagara" departing Liverpool 1-Jul-1848 & arriving Boston 12-Jul-1848. This was the second sailing eastbound during the retaliatory period, the English rate structure didn't allow for a triple rate, moving from a double rate of 2/ for between half and one ounce to a quadruple rate of 4/ for over one ounce but not over 2 ounces was collected from the writer, the U.S. progression was per half ounce allowing for a triple rate, thus 72¢ at 24¢ per half ounce retaliatory for up to 1½ ounces was collected from the addressee. Multiple rate retaliatory rate covers are scarce as are covers illustrating the disparity in rate progression between the two countries.
Realized: $1,100