New York, N.Y., 1845, 5¢ black on bluish, double transfer at bottom. Position 2, mostly large margins, just touched at bottom right, neat blue manuscript, affixed on folded cover to Albany with red "New York" cds & added "Paid", Very Fine. Scott No. 9X1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

1847, 5¢ dark brown. Four margins including left sheet margin, just tied by blue grid on 1850 folded cover to Tradersville, Ohio with matching blue "Chillicothe, O." cds & manuscript "5", adhesive with light corner crease, F.-V.F.; with 1972 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 1a Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400

1847, 10¢ black. Four clear to large margins, sharp impression, tied by neat manuscript cancel on cover to Washington, D.C. with red "Cincinnati, O./10" cds at right, small cover stain, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 $1,750.
Realized: $625

1847, 10¢ black. Pos. 51R, ample to mostly large margins, slight discoloration surrounding the adhesive, tied by red "New Orleans" cds & manuscript cancels on 1850 cover to New Orleans originating from Mobile, Ala., file fold hinge re-enforced, F.-V.F., ex-Sampson. Scott No. 2 $1,750.
Realized: $500

1852, 3¢ dull red. Right margin single, just touched, neatly tied by blue "Cincinnati, O Apr 29" cds on cover with lovely blue illustrated fancy framed mirror used as advertising for "Peter Neff & Sons, Wholesale Hardware Dealers 59 Pearl Street, Cincinnati.", Very Fine and choice, Attractive and the equal of most cameo ad covers. Scott No. 11 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375

1869, 3¢ ultramarine. 2 covers; vertical pair (s.e. at left) canceled by crossroad cancels and matching "Eureka, Cal., Jul 28" cds on slightly reduced 1869 cover to Five Islands, Nova Scotia, also singles on small 1870 ladies cover from Dowingtown, Pa. to London, England with "Phila Aug 9 Unpaid" cds, "Insufficiently Paid" & "More To-Pay" handstamps and "4 ½" pence due upon arrival, F.-V.F. Scott No. 114 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $375

1898, 2¢ red, type IV. Tied to the reverse of cover tied by "New York, Jun 18, 1902" duplex postmark, "Char. & Atlanta R.P.O. Jun 19, 1902" duplex cds and triangular "U.S.A. Dead Letter Office, 1902 Jun 28" handstamp, various other auxiliary markings and printed Dead-Letter Office, Washington, D.C label affixed, Very Fine. Scott No. 279B Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220

1903, 10¢ pale red brown. Small defects, tied by Johnstown, Pa. oval handstamp on 1909 registered cover to Buffalo, N.Y., with postmark registration label at left; cover edge wear, F.-V.F., these registry labels were used for a short period from about 1907 through 1909. Scott No. 307 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $85

1851-1940 Cover Accumulation. Lot of 144 covers and card showing a wide variety of usages, frankings and postmarks including airmails, Expos, Officially Sealed, Overseas destinations, Penalty envelopes, registered, postage dues, auxiliary markings, etc., mixed condition, many interesting items included, worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,300

United States Covers. An interesting lot of approximately 800 covers & cards showing various frankings, usages and postmarks, included are registered, postal stationery, picture post cards, stampless, advertising, commemorative items, etc., included is a nice range of both 19th & 20th Century material, mixed condition, worth careful inspection as a wealth of material is included. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,600