Great Britain, 1806 Taunton, England to St. Vincent. Manuscript "per Packet par Falmouth" routing in the lower left corner on 1806 folded letter cover to St. Vincent with black manuscript "9" crossed through, "1/6" crossed through, and "3/8" on the front. backstamped framed "Taunton 161" on the reverse, two vert. file folds, Very Fine, a very scarce destination. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Great Britain, 1810 Liverpool, England to Roadtown, Tortola (Virgin Islands). Red manuscript "1/" and "2/" rates on 1810 folded cover with a rimless "Liverpool * 206 * Jul. 31 1810" cds on the reverse, two light vert. file folds, Very Fine, a very scarce destination. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $105

Great Britain, 1848-53 Foreign Mail Covers with 1sh Embossed. The covers each franked with 1847 1sh Embossed cut to shape, one to New York paying the retaliatory rate, one to Bermuda & one to India, all with nice range of markings, Very Fine. Scott No. 5 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $170

Great Britain, 1849 Sunderland to Hamburg, Germany. Folded cover franked with 1841 1d red pair + 2d blue strip of 3 tied by barred oval with "Sunderland" backstamp postmark with red manuscript "8" at center & partially under the stamps, endorsed manuscript "Via London", adhesives just touched & right 1d with scissor cut at bottom, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 3+4 Estimate $150 - 200.
The 8 pence paid the correct per half ounce letter rate, direct via Hull (from 1-Sep1847) or from London (from 16-May-1848).
Realized: $375

Great Britain, 1850 Liverpool, England to St. Petersburg, Russia. Red "Liverpool Oct 24 1850 M" double line arc cds, framed red two line "Aus England per Aachen franco" handstamp, manuscript "Paid" and "1/7" which represents the correct rate for up to 1/4 ounce via Belgium; minor tone spots, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $45

Great Britain, 1855 Manchester, England to Bahia, Brazil. Blue folded cover franked with 1854 6d vertical strip of 4 (slightly cut in) tied by numeral "498" barred oval of "Manchester", manuscript endorsement "pr R.M. Str. Gt. Western via Southampton", missing bottom flap, Very Fine, a very rare cover paying the correct double rate of one shilling per half ounce via British packet from 1-Arp-1853 through 30-Jun-1875. Scott No. 7 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,500

Great Britain, 1858 London, England to St. Catherines, Canada. Franked with 1857 4d + 1856 6d + 1sh tied by numeral "24" grid of London on registered folded cover with three different type registry handstamps, black "Hamilton Ju 11 1858" receiving cds on the reverse, Very Fine and choice, paying the correct 8 pence per half ounce for between half and one ounce and 6 pence registration fee. Scott No. 26+27+28 Estimate $200 - 300.
This is early for registration with recognized validity in both countries. It was possible from 1849 to register letters bound for Canada, but this applied only to the inland portion within England. Postal instruction No. 62, 1857 (GPO, 12 DEC 1857) authorized registration to and within Canada, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island effective 1 Jan 1858. Beautiful three color franking of a double rate early registered cover.
Realized: $675

Great Britain, 1860-1861 Foreign Mail. Two covers with three color frankings, 1st is an 1860 folded cover from London to Paris franked with 1d + 2d + 6d paying one pence late fee, and double the 4 pence per quarter ounce letter rate, 2nd is an 1861 cover from London to Victoria, Vancouver Island (rare destination) franked with 1d + 2d + 1sh (minor cover wear) paying the one pence late fee, plus one shilling two pence per half ounce letter rate, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250
Great Britain, 1861-1863 3 Penny Red Covers. (1) Mourning cover from London to Quebec with late fee paid by penny red. (2) Single, and horiz strip of 3 tied to cover to Charlestown (GB) by black "Posted Since 7 Last Night L Mr 25 Edinh 62" cds's and barred numeral "131" cancels 1862. (3) 12 stamps of which 7 are folded over the to, and one with a corner missing tied by black "B44" (Flax Bourton, Somerset) barred numeral cancels on cover to Philadelphia 1863., F.-V.F (no photo). Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $45

Great Britain, 1862 London, England to Copenhagen, Denmark. Neat cover franked with 1856-58 1d red + 1858-69 2d blue (3 singles & horiz. pair - Plate 9) tied by London barred numeral "'WC 5" cancels, manuscript endorsed "Via Belgium, under ½oz. weight" at top, red colored pencil "2" (applied in Hamburg) at bottom left & "6½" pence (British credit to Hamburg) at lower right, Very Fine, Very attractive two penny blue cover franked with 11p which paid the correct 10½ pence first half ounce letter rate via Belgium (1-Feb-1854 through 31-Dec-1863). Scott No. 20+29 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,050