Newman, Cal., May 10, 1898 (Stanislaus). Cds on green and red allover "The Index" newspaper ad cover, franked with 1895, 1¢ blue tied by cork cancel; backflap sealed to inside of cover, Very Fine. Scott No. 264 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Newtown, Cal, Nov 15 ca 1870 (El Dorado County). Blue cds (Williams ELD-2650) on cover to San Francisco, Cal., franked with 3¢ banknote, Very Fine, only copy listed in Williams, ex Newton. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75

Nimshew, Cal., July 16 (1880). Manuscript postmark on cover to Oroville franked with 3¢ Bank Note with manuscript cancel, small tear at top, Very Fine, almost two months earlier than the earliest recorded in Williams. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

Northspur, Cal (Mendocino County). Provisional manuscript postmark (Williams MEN-2660) on assumed 1910 post cover to Fort Bragg, Cal., franked with pair of 1¢ green, trimmed at right with tiny nick in stamp, Very Fine, only cover recorded, open 1910-1922. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $85

Old Diggins, Cal (Shasta County). Provisional manuscript postmark (Williams SHA-3090) on November 26,1918 cover to Santa Cruz, Cal., franked with 3¢ violet (war rate) with purple target killer, Very Fine, 3 months after opening of post office and only cover recorded. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $110

Omo Ranch, Calif (El Dorado County). Crisis manuscript postmark (Williams unlisted, he listed other on receipt cards) on October 15, 1912 registered package receipt card to Fairplay, Cal., Very Fine, the only known copy of postmark. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $60

Oroville, Ca, Jun 17 (Butte). Straight line postmark (Williams BUT-3070) on white 1856 stampless cover to Essex, Mass with handstamped "Paid" and manuscript "10" rate marking, some light staining, F.-V.F., a classic California rarity, 2 stampless and 1 on 1853 Nesbitt entire are currently recorded. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

Payne Creek, Cal (Tehama County). Crisis manuscript postmark (Williams THE-1030) on July 29,1911 post card to Turlock, Cal., franked with 1¢ Franklin, Very Fine, one recorded, this is a second copy. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40

Placerville, Cal., July 11 (El Dorado). Pre-Statehood manuscript postmark (Williams ELD-2910) on 1850 folded cover (missing top flap) to Governor Peter Burnett at San Jose with notation "Military Paid" at upper right with manuscript "12 ½" rate, Very Fine, earliest known cover from Placerville soon after the name changed from Hangtown. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,150

Plum Valley, Cal., Dec 20th (Sierra). Manuscript postmark (Williams SIE-1200) on 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Nevada, Cal.; cover tone spots, Fine, still a very scarce and elusive postmark. Scott No. U9 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $125