Canada, War Tax, 1915, 5¢, 20¢ and 50¢. O.g., fresh, last two h.r., F.-V.F. Unitrade No. MR2B-MR2D C$270 for fine ($275).
Realized: $65

Canada, War Tax, 1916, 2¢+1¢ carmine, die I. Bottom left "Ottawa-No. A 1" plate no. block of 20 with "296" at right deleted by dashes, o.g., mostly never hinged, Very Fine. Scott No. MR3 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210


Canada, Officials, 1949, 1¢-$1 "O.H.M.S." overprints. Block of 4, o.g., never hinged, beautifully centered and post office fresh, an Extremely Fine set of blocks. Unitrade No. O5-O10 C$2,004 as singles ($2,038). Scott No. O5-O10 $1,160 as singles.
Realized: $450

Canada, Official, 1949, 50¢ Lumbering, "O.H.M.S.". Centered with mathematical precision with huge, perfectly balanced margins and pristine, never hinged o.g., a Superb gem. Unitrade No. O9 C$330 ($336). Scott No. O9 $200.
Realized: $230


Canada, Official, 1949, 50¢ Lumbering, "O.H.M.S.". O.g., never hinged, a virtually perfectly centered block of 4, post office fresh and Extremely Fine, a gem block. Unitrade No. O9 C$1,320 as singles ($1,342). Scott No. O9 $800.
Realized: $375


Canada, Official, 1950, $1 Ferry, "G". Block of 4, o.g., never hinged, perfectly centered, fresh and Extremely Fine. Unitrade No. O25 C$750 ($763). Scott No. O25 $400 as singles.
Realized: $280


Canada, Official, 1951, $1 Fisheries, "G". Block of 4, o.g., never hinged, perfectly centered, fresh and Extremely Fine. Unitrade No. O27 C$750 ($763). Scott No. O27 $360 as singles.
Realized: $290

Lot 3253 o
Canada, Law Stamp, 10¢ blue. Used, punch cancel, Very Fine and scarce.Van Dam No. FSC13 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

Lot 3254 o
Canada, Law Stamp, 10¢ rouletted (purple). Used, punch cancel, Very Fine, a lovely stamp.Van Dam No. FSC14a Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

Lot 3255 o
Canada, Law Stamp, $30 on $1 horiz. bars. Used, punch cancel, Very Fine, quite rare.Van Dam No. FSC19 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,250