Lot 2711 ()
Mexico, Juzgado de la Instancia del Canton de Jalacingo. Official seal handstamp on two 1887 certified cover front receipts, both franked with 1884, 25c green + 1886, 3c lilac, one to Jalapa with "C" certified etiquette and other to Misantla with certified box date stamp; fronts with some edge repair, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375
Lot 2712 ()
Mexico, Juzgado de la Instancia del Canton de Jalacingo, ede Veracuz-Llave. Purple official seal handstamp on 1896 certified cover front receipt to Papantla, franked with 1895, 5c ultramarine, two singles + 15c burnt blue, pair tied by "Jalacingo, Ver., Nov 26, 96" cds's, certified etiquette and Teziutlan oval transit date stamp, receipt notation and official seal handstamp on reverse; small faults, Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200
Lot 2713 ()
Mexico, Juzgado de Paz, de la P. Tlapacoyan. Oval official seal handstamp on 1881 cover front receipt to Jalacingo, franked with Japala 1881, 25c blue, strip of four, three strips of three and two singles (Cons. 33-81), all tied by "Franco en, Tlapacoyan" oval handstamps; front and stamp faults, Fine, a wonderful showpiece.Scott No. 120 Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $425
Lot 2714 ()
Mexico, Juzgado Municipal, Dolores Hidalgo. Blue official seal handstamp on 1895 cover front to Allende, Guanajuato, franked with 1895, 2c carmine, pair + 5c ultramarine tied by "Franco en Dolores Hidalgo" oval handstamps, partial origin cds at left; central tear in front, Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $90
Lot 2715
Mexico, Ministerio Publico, Santiago, Ixcuintla. Violet official seal handstamp on 1887 registered cover to Santiago, franked with 1887 olive brown, Official tied by purple "Franco en Ixtlan" oval handstamp, matching "Ixtlan, E.U.M."oval date stamp (Schimmer TEP 8/1, the discovery example) and blue Tepic certified boxed date stamp, official endorsement at top right; cover missing back flap and portion of corners restored at right, otherwise Fine, still a rare inter-office usage.Scott No. O2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $115
Lot 2716
Mexico, Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Mexicano, Tacubaya. Official imprint on 1896 cover to Metz, Germany, additional purple office handstamp at top, franked with 1895 10c official tied by "Mexico, D.F., 1 Dic. 96" cds, receiving backstamp, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120
Lot 2717
Mexico, Observatorio Meteorológico Central. Official seals on two different observation form cards, purple Mexico seal handstamp on 1900 card to Buenos Aires, Argentina, franked with 1910 3c orange brown, Official tied by "Corresp., Oficial, 11 Ene, 00" cds, N.Y. Foreign Transit cds, 1901 form card with printed blue official seal and Tolcua origin, card heading in French, to Lisboa, Portugal, franked with 1899 1c green, pair & single tied by indistinct Toluca, Mex. cds's, F.-V.F., a rare pair of cards.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180
Lot 2718
Mexico, Observatorio Meteorológico Central, Mexico. Light red official handstamp on special U.P.U. formula card to Namub, Belgium, franked with 1895, 1c + 2c officials, uncanceled with "Mexico, D.F., 2 Jul, 95" cds, New York transit and receiving postmarks, including two similar unused formula cards, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250
Lot 2719
Mexico, Official Certified Mail Cover. Chilapa to Toluca office, franked with 1893 blue green, Official tied by grid cancel, various postmarks including Chilapa origin with certified etiquette, transit cds's including Tixtla, Chilpancingo, Iguala, Cuernavaca and Mexico, D.F., Toluca receiving cds and registry oval date stamp in red, reverse with two official seals tied by origin office date stamps, Very Fine, a rare cover and usage.Scott No. O4 Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $700
Lot 2720
Mexico, Official Cover and Stamp Collection, 1869-1917. 19 covers and dozens of mint and used stamps, mounted on display pages, includes a few early stampless, various service envelopes including office seal covers, security envelopes, Official stamps on cover and various off cover studies including fancy cancels, mint and used large multiples, perf varieties including imperf between and compound, etc.; condition mixed, F.-V.F (no photo).Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200