Lot 2483
Mexico, Tixtla, 1872, 25c red, imperf. Tixtla 11-72 overprint, large margins, tied by "Franco" boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 1633) on folded letter sheet to Veracruz, cover docketed "5 Sept 73"; allover cover toning, Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $125
Lot 2484 o
Mexico, Tlalpan, 1872, 12c blue, unwatermarked, imperf. "Tlalpan 44-72" overprint, "Franco, Tlalpan" boxed handstamp, clear to large margins, Very Fine; with 1977 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 94 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
Lot 2485 o
Mexico, Tulancingo, 1864-66, 2r orange. Cons. 21, sub-cons. 3, Huasca oval cancel (Schatzkes 1720), clear to large margins, thins at top, Very Fine appearance.Scott No. 23 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $150
Lot 2486
Mexico, Tulancingo, 1864-66, 2r orange, type I. Tied on piece by bold 1864 oval date stamp, margins to in at top and bottom, F.-V.F. and attractive.Scott No. 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80
Lot 2487
Mexico, Tuxpam, 1882, 12c brown. Tuxpam 88 overprint, tied by grid cancel on l1883 registered cover to Havre, France, purple "Tuxpam, E.U.M., Oct 24, 1883" oval origin date stamp, reverse with New Orleans, La. transit backstamp and large company sender boxed date stamp, Very Fine.Scott No. 136 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190
Lot 2488
Mexico, Ures, 1868, 12c black on buff, color error. Perf'd, o.g., horiz crease at bottom, Very Fine appearance.Scott No. 66b $575.
Realized: $180
Lot 2489
Mexico, Ures, 1874, 25c blue. "Ures 49-74" overprint, tied by magenta manuscript "Franco en Batuc" postmark on 1875 cover to Newtown, Cal., manuscript "Due 3" on arrival, blue "Not Found" in circle handstamp and blue "U.S. Dead Letter Office, Apr 12, 1875" cds on reverse; slight cover edge wear, Fine.Scott No. 109 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150
Lot 2490
Mexico, Vera Cruz, 1856, 1r yellow, inverted 4r tablet across face. (plate III, position 55), in combination with 2r yellow green on piece, tied by oval Vera Cruz postmark, F.-V.F.Scott No. 2var+3 Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $115
Lot 2491 o/
Mexico, Vera Cruz, 1864-66. Lot of 48 stamps from all periods with (16) 4r and (3) 8r stamps plus a cover with a 1r and 2r with large margins tied by 1757A, NF $1,070, F.-V.F.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $600
Lot 2492
Mexico, Vera Cruz, 1872, 6c green, imperf. Cons. 50-73, clear to large margins, tied by straight line Tuxtepec handstamp on 1874 circular to Tlacotalpam, Very Fine and choice, ex Strauss, Bash.Scott No. 81 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100