Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 1d pale milky blue "Wood Block" color error. Tied on small piece by triangle grid cancel, which leaves the value tablet clearly visible, ample margins to slightly in at bottom, strong color, Fine, a lovely example of this classic Cape of Good Hope rarity, ex-Sir Maxwell Joseph, Levitt; a clear 1982 B.P.A. certificate (#10754) had been issued, but since has been lost. SG No. 13c £28,000 ($43,960). Scott No. 7c $31,500.
Realized: $4,500

Ceylon, 1857, 6d purple brown. In combination with 1857-59 1d deep turquoise-blue + 2d deep green on 1858 cover to Yorkshire, England, tied by bar cancels with 2d and 6d additionally tied by red London entry cds, reverse with large "Colombo, Steamer Letter, Sp 14, 1858" rimless cds and blue "Keighley, Oc 16, 58" cds, Extremely Fine and choice, a stunning exhibition item, ex Admiral Harris; with 2002 B.P.A. certificate. SG No. 1-3. Scott No. 2-4 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $5,500

Falkland Islands, 1964, 6d "H.M.S. Glasgow" vignette error. O.g., never hinged, well centered, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine, a wonderful newly discovered never hinged example of this popular major 20th century Falkland Islands rarity. Scott No. 151a $17,000. SG No. 216a £21,000 ($32,970).
When the error first came onto the market, it was first discovered by a North American collector in 1970. The owner had acquired the set in 1965 and noticed the Glasgow vignette on the two values yet believed at the time it to be normal. It was not untill later, after reading an article in a British philatelic magazine, that he realized that the stamp was a major error. It is believed that only one sheet of 60 of this famous error had been produced. A note in the Stanley Gibbons catalog regarding this stamp states: "There have been seventeen reports of stamps showing this error, although it is believed that some of these may refer to the same example.".
Realized: $35,000

Hong Kong, 1861 Patriotic cover from Hong Kong to the United States. Red and blue flag design on buff cover postmarked on reverse Hong Kong, No 14, 61 cds to Massachusetts, red London cds and "N. York Am. Pkt./5" cds, red "16 cents" handstamp and manuscript hand and "Postage Paid", Extremely Fine, a very rare overseas usage of a patriotic cover to the United States. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,500

India, 1854, 4a blue and red, horizontal pair. (4th printing, head type III, frame type II), large margins and strong bright colors, canceled and tied by neat dotted diamond grid cancels and "10" handstamp on 1855 folded letter sheet to Genoa, Italy, "pr Hindustan via Triest" routing endorsement at top, various manuscript rate markings and reverse with red "Calcutta, G.P.O." circular origin and "Genova" boxed receiving date stamps, Extremely Fine and choice, a magnificent usage usage to Italy; with 2005 B.P.A. certificate. SG No. 23. Scott No. 6 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,250