Barbados, 1861 (½d) deep green, rough perf 14-16. Block of 15, o.g., hinged at top and lower right pair, others never hinged, exceptional centering overall, rich color and very fresh, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 15c. SG No. 20 £330 as singles ($518).
Realized: $1,250

Barbados, 1861 (½d) green, rough perf 14-16. Block of 15, full o.g., nine stamps never hinged, strong color, fresh and Fine. Scott No. 15. SG No. 21 £255 as singles ($400).
Realized: $1,200

Barbados, 1861 (½d) grass green, rough perf 14-16. Bottom margin block of 12, o.g., hinged at top and second stamp in bottom row, others never hinged, rich color, bright and fresh, Very Fine, a choice mint multiple. Scott No. 15 var. SG No. 22 £336 as singles ($528).
Realized: $1,250

401 (
Barbados, 1861 (1d) blue, rough perf 14-16. Bottom margin block of 10, without gum, bright color, toning on reverse and small facial scuff in bottom left stamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 16. SG No. 23 £480 as singles ($754).
Realized: $625

Barbados, 1861 (1d) blue, vertical pair + (4d) brown red, rough perf 14-16. Tied by "1" in bootheel cancels on 1869 folded letter sheet to Trinidad, manuscript "4" rate in red crayon, "Barbados, Fe 17, 69" origin and receiving backstamps, vertical file fold affecting top 1d stamp, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 16+17a. SG No. 23+26 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,150

Barbados, 1861 (1d) blue + (4d) rose red, rough perf 14-16. Tied by "1" in barred oval cancels in 1862 cover to Demerara, British Guiana, manuscript "4" rate in red crayon and "Barbadoes, Jy 19, 1862" origin cds, receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 16+17. SG No. 23+25 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325
Barbados, 1861 (1d) blue, rough perf 14-16. Tied by "1" in bootheel cancel on prices current sheet addressed to Demerara, British Guiana, "Barbadoes, 10.3, 65" cds alongside, stamp split in half and rejoined, Fine. Scott No. 16 (no photo). SG No. 23 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80

405 (
Barbados, 1861 (1d) blue, imperf. Top margin pair, without gum, large margins, rich vibrant color on bright white paper, fresh and immaculate, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 16b. SG No. 23a £700 ($1,099).
Realized: $650

Barbados, 1861 (1d) deep blue, rough perf 14-16. Slightly overlapping on allover shaded advertising cover to Annapolis, Nova Scotia, "Barbados, Ja 26, 70" origin cds and manuscript "4" rate in blue crayon, "12½ cts" handstamp and reverse with St. Thomas transit and receiving date stamps, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 16c. SG No. 24 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Barbados, 1868 (4d) lake rose, rough perf 14-16. Mint and used singles, mint with full o.g., used with light oval cancel, both particularly well centered, strong colors, Extremely Fine, a choice pair. Scott No. 17d. SG No. 27 £200 ($314).
Realized: $100