Lot 340 o
Barbados, 1852 (½d) yellow green, imperf, blued paper. Neat "1" in barred oval cancel, clear to large margins, strong bright color, Very Fine. Scott No. 1a.SG No. 1 £700 ($1,099).
Realized: $325

Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Right margin single, o.g., mostly large margins, strong color, Extremely Fine, a choice single. Scott No. 1. SG No. 2 £110 ($173).
Realized: $75

Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Horizontal pair, o.g., large margins all around, rich color bright and fresh, minute scissor cut in bottom right corner well away from design, Extremely Fine, a gorgeous pair. Scott No. 1. SG No. 2 £220 as singles ($345).
Realized: $180

Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Bottom margin horizontal strip of 4, full o.g., fairly light hinging, large margins, strong bright color, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 1. SG No. 2 £440 as singles ($691).
Realized: $375

Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Top margin block of 4, full o.g., clear to large margins, rich color, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 1. SG No. 2 £440 as singles ($691).
Realized: $425

Lot 345 o
Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Barred "1" in oval cancels, large margins, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 1.SG No. 2 £325 ($510).
Realized: $200

Lot 346 o
Barbados, 1852 (½d) deep green, imperf, blued paper. Horizontal pair, neat barred "1" in oval cancels, large margins, strong color, Extremely Fine, a choice used pair. Scott No. 1.SG No. 2 £650 as singles ($1,020).
Realized: $1,050

Barbados, 1852 (1d) blue, imperf, blued paper. Block of 4, o.g., heavy h.r.'s top, bottom pair never hinged, large margins, bright vibrant color, very fresh, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 2a. SG No. 3 £180 as singles ($283).
Realized: $115

Barbados, 1852 (1d) blue, imperf, blued paper. Corner margin block of 12, o.g., top central block of 4 with h.r., others never hinged, large margins, bold color, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 2a. SG No. 3 £540 as singles ($848).
Realized: $400

Barbados, 1852 (1d) deep blue, imperf, blued paper. Left margin block of 15, o.g., hinged at top, others never hinged (natural gum skips), large margins all around, beautiful rich radiant color, exceptionally fresh, small 1½mm scissor cut at top in margin between right pair, Extremely Fine and choice, a beautiful multiple. Scott No. 2. SG No. 4 £420 as singles ($659).
Realized: $550