
1913, 10¢ orange yellow Panama-Pacific. Bottom margin plate block of 6, o.g., very lightly hinged (top center stamp only, others never hinged), remarkably well centered throughout, rich bold color, bright and fresh, an Extremely Fine gem, a truly outstanding plate block; with 2006 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 400 $3,850.
Realized: $5,000

1913, 10¢ orange Panama-Pacific. O.g., never hinged, wonderfully centered amid large oversized margins, rich radiant color and remarkably fresh, an Extremely Fine gem, an extraordinarily choice mint stamp; with 2000 P.F. certificate for block and 2005 P.S.E. graded certificate (XF-Sup 95J) for single. Scott No. 400A $475.
Realized: $3,250

1913, 10¢ orange Panama-Pacific. O.g., never hinged, exceptional centering amid beautifully balanced margins, deep rich color, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine and choice, a wonderful never hinged gem stamp; with 2006 P.S.E. graded certificate (XF-Sup 95). Scott No. 400A $475.
Realized: $2,200

1915, 5¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10. O.g., never hinged, precision centering amid large evenly balanced margins, intense deep rich color, fresh and pristine, an Extremely Fine gem; with 1999 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 403 $400.
Realized: $1,300


1915, 10¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10. Top margin plate block of 6, full o.g., never hinged, well balanced margins and marvelously centered throughout, exceptionally deep and bold color, outstanding freshness, an Extremely Fine gem, a spectacular never hinged 1915 10¢ Panama-Pacific, perf 10 top margin plate block; with 2006 P.S.E. certificate and 1970 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 404 $20,000.
Although a couple of 10¢ Panama-Pacific plate blocks have come on the market within the last year, none hold a candle to this magnificent gem, which is without a doubt the finest in existence.
Realized: $62,500