Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Position 5 showing double transfer at bottom, top margin single, o.g., never hinged, large even margins, bold rich color, fresh and Extremely Fine, remarkably choice. Scott No. 8 $125.
Realized: $150

1738 (
Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Position 16 showing double transfer at bottom, without gum, large to huge margins, bold color, inclusion speck, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 8 $53.
Realized: $90

Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Horizontal pair, o.g., never hinged, ample to large margins, gorgeous rich color, fresh and Extremely Fine. Scott No. 8 $150.
Realized: $210


Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Corner margin block of 4, o.g., never hinged, ample to large margins, deep color, natural gum wrinkle affecting bottom right stamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 8 $350.
Realized: $290

Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Central vertical stitch watermark rarely seen on this issue, block of 4, o.g., lightly hinged at top, never hinged at bottom, clear to ample margins, deep rich color, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 8 $350.
Realized: $200

Lot 1742 o
Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Left margin single, town cancel, mostly large margins, rich color, Very Fine and choice.Scott No. 8 $350.
Realized: $450

Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Tied on adversity piece by Charleston, S.C. town cancel, strong color, F.-V.F.; with 2002 C.S.A. certificate. Scott No. 8 $350.
Realized: $425

Lot 1744 o
Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Town cancel, ample margins to just touching at top, bold color, F.-V.F.; with photocopy of 1981 P.F. certificate for strip.Scott No. 8 $350.
Realized: $200

Lot 1745 o
Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Horizontal pair, town cancel, large margins to just shaving at top, F.-V.F.; with 1976 P.F. certificate for strip.Scott No. 8 $1,000.
Realized: $475

Lot 1746 o
Confederacy 1863, 2¢ brown red. Left margin horizontal strip of 5, army target cancels, large margins, natural paper inclusion between 2nd & 3rd stamps, Extremely Fine; with 2005 C.S.A. certificate declining opinion on cancel.Scott No. 8 $2,350 for two pairs and single.
Realized: $650