1861, 1¢ blue. Each tied by "Steam" straight line handstamp on cover to Hughesville, Pa., manuscript "Warrenham, Pa., Sept 6th" postmark at bottom left, 2¢ with natural s.e. at top, F.-V.F., an unusual combination and usage. Scott No. 63+65+73 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

1861, 1¢ blue. Tied by circle of wedges cancel on 1863 2¢ Jackson entire to Sacramento City, small cover tear at top, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 63+U50 Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $170

1861, 3¢ rose, horizontal strip of 6 + 2¢ black. 3¢ strip with natural s.e. at left, all tied by "N. York, Steamship, Dec 23" cds's on incoming double rate cover to Maine, light "St. Thomas, 16.12.1867" cds additionally tying strip, small stamp and cover faults, Fine. Scott No. 65+73 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450

1861, 3¢ rose. Tied by "Chicago, Supplementary Mail, Oct 2" cds on cover to Greenfield, Mass., minor cover wear, F.-V.F. and scarce. Scott No. 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

1861, 10¢ yellow green, horizontal pair + 2¢ black. Light diagonal crease in left stamp of pair, canceled by straight line "Paid" handstamps on 1863 cover to Callao, Peru, "Kennebunkport, Me., Oct 8" origin cds at left, red "12" rate handstamp struck over by Panama transit cds, Callao receiving backstamp, Very Fine; with 2004 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 68+73 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650

1861, 10¢ yellow green, horizontal pair + 2¢ black, vertical pair. Tied by blue target cancels on 1865 cover to Bawtry, England, blue "Cumberland, Md., Feb 23, 65" origin cds at left, red "New York Br. Pkt., Feb 29, 3" exchange and red Liverpool entry cds's, light cover soiling and tears, Fine. Scott No. 68+73 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $575

1861, 10¢ yellow green + 3¢ rose, two singles. Canceled by cork and Buffalo, N.Y. cds on small 1867 cover to Paris, France, indistinct red New York exchange tying 3¢ and red French entry cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 68+65 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $240

1861, 10¢ yellow green. Horizontal pair and single tied by cogwheel cancels on cover to Germany, endorsed "Via Panama, per Prussian closed mail" at top, "San Francisco, Cal., May 10" origin cds & red New York exchange and blue boxed Aachen transit date stamps, few stamp defects, F.-V.F. Scott No. 68 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $240

1862, 24¢ red lilac + 2¢ black, two singles. On cover paying the 28¢ Prussian closed mail rate to Bavaria, Germany, tied by blue target and matching "Appleton, Wis., Oct 31" cds with manuscript day, scarce red "Detroit, Mich. Am. Pkt., Nov. 5, 7 Paid "exchange and red Aachen transit date stamp, top 2¢ with tiny cover overlap tear, F.-V.F.; with 2005 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 70+73 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200

1862, 24¢ red lilac. Grid canceled with matching "St. Clair, Mich, Oct 31" cds on 1864 cover to England, scarce red "Detroit, Paid 3" exchange cds, cover missing backflap and small tear at top, F.-V.F. Scott No. 70 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $625