Draper & Maynard Co. Attractive red & black illustrated corner card on front showing Hunting Dog and on reverse all over advertising showing designs for Baseball, Football & Boxing, franked with 1903 2¢ Regular issue tied by 1908 Plymouth, N.H. duplex cancel, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $50

Draper & Maynard Co. Attractive orange & black illustrated corner card on front showing Hunting Dog and on reverse all over advertising showing designs for Baseball, Football & Boxing (similar to previous lot, however baseball box is now open), franked with 2¢ Washington-Franklin tied by 1911 Plymouth, N.H. machine cancel, slightly reduced at right (just affecting design on reverse), Very Fine. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20

Draper & Maynard Co. Attractive orange & black illustrated corner card on front showing Hunting Dog and on reverse all over advertising showing Draper & Maynard Co. factory, franked with 2¢ Washington-Franklin tied by 1912 Plymouth, N.H. machine cancel, slightly reduced at right (just affecting design on reverse), F.-V.F. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20

John Clayton Co. Illustrated design showing Antlers & Various Stuffed Animals on 1910 cover franked with 2¢ Washington-Franklin tied by cork cancel with Railway Post Office postmark at left, Very Fine. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $20

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in black showing Hunter in Canoe & Moose on cover franked with 2¢ Washington-Franklin tied by "Omaha, Nebr." machine cancel, reduced at right, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in red, black & white showing Taxidermy Student & Pheasant on cover franked with 1¢ Franklin precancelled "Omaha, Nebr.", printed text on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $60

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in red, black & white showing Two Ducks in Flight on cover franked with 1¢ Franklin precancelled "Omaha, Nebr.", printed text on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in orange, black & white showing Bald Eagle on 1928 cover postmarked twice with two Omaha, Nebr. machine cancel of different days with handstamped "Returned for Postage" crossed out below, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $35

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in red, black & white showing Tiger Head on cover franked with 3¢ NRA Comm. tied by "Omaha, Nebr." machine cancel, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $95

Northwestern School of Taxidermy. Illustrated design in red, black & white showing Student Taxidermist & Racoon on cover franked with 1¢ Prexy precancelled "Omaha, Nebr.", printed text & illustration of Taxidermy Building on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $50