Brown's Express. Blue oval "Forwarded by" handstamp with matching "$1." express rate handstamp on cover to Stockton, "Bristol, Ct." origin cds with matching "V" in circle rate handstamp rerated "10" in manuscript, faint cover toning & bottom right corner clipped, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $725

Brown's Express/Stockton. Blue oval handstamp on cover from San Francisco with Adams & Co. Express/San Francisco oval handstamp in blue, who carried the cover to Stockton where it was handed over to Brown's Express who carried it to its destination, Murphys Camp, sealed cover tear & slightly reduced at right, F.-V.F., good letter, a nice conjunctive usage. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525

Central Overland California & Pike's Peak Express Co., Denver City, K.T., May 31. Partial strike of oval handstamp on cover to Illinois, franked with 1857 3¢ dull red tied by blue "Saint Louis, Mo., Jun 7, 1860" cds, stamp with slight nick at lower right and cover reduced at left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 26 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650

Chase's Express, Deadwood and Indian Creek, Paid. Colorless embossed scroll frank on 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, entered the mails with "Sacramento City, Cal., Mar 12" circular date stamp, docketed "Mr (18)56" on reverse, Very Fine, two examples of the express frank are known, ex Barkhausen; with 1976 P.F. certificate. Scott No. U9 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
G. W. Chase started his express in 1856, running from Deadwood & Indian Creek to Yreka where he connected with Wells, Fargo to Sacramento.

Coast Line Stage Company. Stunning illustrated design on lemon cover showing Six Horse Drawn Stage to San Juan franked with 3¢ Bank Note tied by cork cancel with San Jose postmark at right, original enclosure showing matching illustrated letterhead except the inscription on the stage is deleted due to change of ownership, 1874 letter written by Wm. Buckley, Superintendent of the firm to Dr. Thomas Flint, one of the owners of the Stage line, regarding Company business, some historic contents, roughly opened at left just affecting corner card, Fine and rare. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525

Coast Line San Juan & Los Angeles/U.S. Mail Stage Company. Imprint on orange cover to San Juan, roughly opened at right, original enclosure with similar printed letterhead in blue, 1867 letter written in San Francisco by W.E. Lovett, Owner of the Stage Line, cover carried without postage as this was Office Business, Fine and rare. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

Coast Line San Juan & Los Angeles U.S. M. Stage Co. Lot of 7 letters all on printed letterhead in blue from 1867-68 all from company officials regarding company business, much interesting & historic contents, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

Coast Line San Juan & Los Angeles/U.S. Mail Stage Company. Blue imprint on 1868 cover to San Juan franked with two 1867 3¢ grills & tied by geometirc cancels with "New York" cds, sent to Flint, Bixby & Co. with their blue Company receiving handstamp, cover with defect at top right, Fine and rare. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475
Coast Line Stage and Express Line. Small balance lot of letters and documents from the Flint correspondence regarding company business of the stage line, mixed condition (no photo). Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

Coast Line Stage and Express Line. Printed letterhead with beautifully illustrated "Six Horse Drawn Stagecoach" on 3 different letters (1872), written by Company Officials regarding Company business, some historic contents, two badly damaged, last in very nice condition. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $400