1849 miner's trail letter. Folded letter datelined "In Camp one mile north of St. Joseph, Apr. 29, 1849" with faint "St. Joseph, Mo." postmark & matching manuscript "10" rate to Illinois, letter with interesting contents of the sender's Mining company, "Our Company are all fine fellows. We live well and all keep in a good humor. We style ourselves the Independent Company, we do not design joining any Company. We have no officers, but drivers, cooks and dish washers and these we take by turns.", some cover toning, Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

Adelaida, Cal. (San Luis Obispo). Small double circle postmark (Williams SAL-20) on 1885 registered cover to Holister franked with 2¢ + 10¢ Bank Notes tied by large grid cancels, slightly reduced at left, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

Alta California Telegraph Company. Pristine Zeus illustrated 1859 cover addressed to Mok Hill, with original telegraph from San Francisco, Extremely Fine and choice. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400

Annette, Cal., Jun 28, 1897 (Kern). Clear full strike of purple cds (Williams KER-40) on 2¢ Plimpton entire to San Francisco, San Miguel transit cds on reverse, Extremely Fine, scarce. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $80

Auburn, Cal. (Placer). Cds (Williams PLA-250) on 1853 folded letter to Pennsylvania with scarce "TEN" straight line rate handstamp, miner's datelined "Hogge Diggins, Oct. 8th 1853", "I consider myself quite an old Californian, as we are in California all alike all on a leave Rich and poor, all have to do his own housekeeping and rock the cradle in Rocking out the Gold and I think we will make good husbands when we get home as we all will know how to Rock the Babies, as we have to run the Long Tom and rock the cradle to wash out the Gold.", F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

Bethany, Cal/Mch 13th, 1882 (San Joaquin). Manuscript postmark (Williams SAJ-350) on cover to Stockton franked with 3¢ Bank Note tied by manuscript cancel, cover reduced at left, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.

Boulder Creek, Cal., 22-9-75 (Santa Cruz). Manuscript postmark (Williams SCR-280) on cover to to Napa, Cal., franked with 1873 1¢ ultamarine, horiz strip of 3 tied by manuscript, stamps with small perf faults, Very Fine, the latest recorded use of a manuscript postmark from Boulder Creek. Scott No. 156 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $55

Lot 99
"California State Agricultural Society/1855" ribbon. Blue printing on white silk (63mm x 155mm), which appears to be trimmed at top & bottom, Very Fine and scarce.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $85

California State Telegraph Co. lot. Small group of 4 stampless Telegraph covers (two with orginal telegram), two show Zeus a top Globe in red on orange covers (ASCC #268), a 3rd similar unlisted design (ASCC #268 var.) & the fourth is Zeus a top Globe in red on white with imprint of the Montgomery St. Office (ASCC #269), an attractive group, worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $800

Centreville, Cal. (Nevada). Rare manuscript postmark (Williams NEV-230) on 1852 Miner's folded letter to Michigan with matching manuscript Paid 6 rate, letter with great contents regarding voyage, mining and conditions in Centreville, "When I got to San Francisco I had no money, I borrowed and begged my way up to Oregon Bar on the American River and there went to mining along with others. The first day I got five dollars, next two dollars, next six and it rained all the while…California is not the place it is cracked up to be…for this is a land of disappointment to thousands of men, some go crazy, some take to drinking and gambling and horing (sic) and so on…", cover with soiling & edge wear, Fine, a wonderful example of this short lived Post Office prior to being renamed to Grass Valley, pictured in California Gold with letter fully transcribed, ex-Kutz. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270