20th century mint accumulation. Large grouping in three album/stockbooks of singles, sets & plate blocks, better items include #692-701 blocks of 4, C18 block of 4, plus mint & used single, C21-22 plate blocks, C24 plate block, PS11-14 blocks of 4, WS7-10 blocks of 4, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,050
Lot 3027 o
Precancel collection/accumulation. One carton of four albums full of precancels, mainly on the the Washington-Franklin issues (with blocks & multiples) & the 1922 issue, some better Cincinnati cancels noted, mixed condition, a great lot for the specialist as any could be in here.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700
Lot 3028 o
Precancel collection/accumulation. One carton of albums & stockbooks full of precancels, many different issues represented, mixed condition, a great lot for the specialist as any could be in here.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $800
Accumulation. Mostly mint in albums; mix of material including commemoratives in plateblocks and sheets, some better early material including 1920's commemorative blocks, White Plains sheet, back-of-the-book collection with mint & used dues, officials, postal & war savings, etc., other misc mint including booklets; worth a look. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $900
Coil group, 1912-1930. Small lot of coil pairs & strips including line pairs & coil leaders, etc., o.g., hinged or never hinged, fresh material. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $48
Commemorative collection, 1919-1960. Single and block of 4 collection in two Scott albums, mostly complete for the period including 1920's sets including blocks, 1932 Washington set, Parks, F.A.'s, some airmails, etc., mostly n.h., cat $1,600+ plus approximately $30 face. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375
Mint stock, 1920-1935. Quantites of issues on stockpages in two albums, moderate to slightly heavy duplication, good portion n.h. material, definitives and commemoratives, good section of Kans-Nebr with better values represented; condition mixed with fresh material throughout, owner's cat $25,610. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,300
Full sheet accumulation, 1920-1940's. Approximately 200 full sheets in sheet folders, much premuim throughout including Wash-Frank offset #527 (cat $2,380), 1922-25 1¢ definitive, 1920 2¢ reds virtually all represented, 1926 definitives to the 10¢, 1928 Aeronautics, 1932 Washington issue, Century of Progress, Farleys, Prexies, several Overrun Countries sets (including one KORPA variety in sheet), airmails including 1928 Beacon & 1938 Eagle issues, 1¢ Parcel Post, etc., some modern material, virtually all never hinged, worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $3,750
Mint accumulation. Mostly in glassine in 6 stockboxes, mostly 1920-70's material with much in plate blocks but includes singles, coils in pairs, blocks, inscription blocks and some full sheets, substantial section of unexploded booklets including a few better, 18 Bicentennial souvenir sheet sets in original folders, etc., tens of thousands stamps virtually all n.h., worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900
Mint multiple stock, 1922-1935. Blocks, booklet panes, plate and position blocks, etc., on stockpages in binder, including some pre-1922 items, lower denomination definitives in quantity including Kans-Nebr with overprint variety, 1½¢ imperf cross gutter blocks, 2¢ reds, 1932 Bicentenial complete in quantities, Parks and Farley's including plate blocks and gutter variety, owner's cat $4,500. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100