Mint accumulation, 1898-1923. Over 50 items in stockpages, including Pam-Am's complete, 1902 definitives to the 15¢, Wash-Frank singles and coil pairs including #442 & #487 pairs n.h. with certs, #523 with cert, #C1-C6, #C18 x3, $1 parcel post with cert and more; fresh attractive material with a fair amount n.h., worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,800
Accumulation. Various mostly mint issues housed in two stockbooks and sheetfile, mostly issues from the 1920's on with some early material, including 2¢ Norse position blocks, 2¢ reds plate blocks, airmails with #C25-C31 full sheets and special deliveries including #E11 blocks, Wash-Frank material including #506-518 n.h., coils, imperf blocks, booklet panes, etc., later ducks, 4th bureaus including 1922-25 set complete to the $5, Park & Farley souvenir sheets & gutter positions, Prexies including scarce plate block numbers and dollar values, F.A.'s in single and plate block sets, modern $5 Bret Harte blocks ($180 in face), Newspapers and War Saving issues, etc., condition mixed with much n.h., worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,000
Collection, 1898-1935. Useful collection in Lighthouse album, with various early mint & used definitive & commemoratives, Wash-Frank with better mint and coil material including used, 4th bureaus including #578-79 mint, Kans-Nebr, back-of-the-book with strong section of postage dues, parcel post, etc.; condition mixed, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625
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Early precancel collection, 1898-1914. Well over 100 issues on pages, nice section of Wash-Franks including the Cincinnati circular precancels, strong focus on the 1898-1902 issues with sets including fancy Lansing, Mich stitch & star & Fort Wayne, Ind. tombstone; worth inspection.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220
United States & Possessions collection. On album pages in 10 binders and albums, somewhat haphazard in presentation with a very interesting range of material including EFO's and other varieties, back-of-the-book, etc.; regular issues with a variety of mixed classics to modern, including #7 position 13L2 big crack flaw and #9 position 91L2 triple transfer, #573 top margin arrow pair, #630, #631 no gum breakers block of 6, Prexies dollar plate blocks, regular issue varieties including a excellent array of paper fold varieties from 1902 issues on, imperf betweens, better booklet panes, strong back-of-the-book including airmails with mint #C1-6, C18, dues, officials, newspapers mint & used, Duck blocks, revenues with nice range of 1st-3rd issues including #R102c & #R135b, runs of later mint documentaries, Match & Medicine issues including large Jas. & Wm. Swain large dragon issues, better CSA issues, Possessions including Canal Zone, Hawaii with better issues, Philippines with good Victory overprints, O.B.'s, etc.; an unusual mix of material with many elusive items throughout, inspection highly recommended. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $19,000
Stock. Sizable collector's stock in glassine in stockboxes, tens of thousands of stamps, running the gamut of issues including back-of-the-book, early classic with noted 1869 Pictorial 12¢-30¢ values, banknotes mint and used, better Wash-Frank mint, later plate blocks, airmails, ducks, color shift varieties, etc.; inspection required for full evaluation. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,800
Accumulation. General mix of stock in binders, collector assortment, mint stationery stock and 17¢ Transportation rolls ($510 regular + $680 presorted face value), 2¢ large roll and dozens of plate strips, hundreds of covers including 1920-30's airmail commemorative and flight covers, ship cancels on postcards, better early including patriotic, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900
Accumulation. Hoard of material in two large boxes, from used in large quantity to mint face including $5 and many $1 modern sheets, coil strips including full roll, postal & souvenir cards in quantity, duck plate blocks, collection pages, etc.; a haphazard assortment, worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900
Stock. Thousands on stockcards in three red stockboxes, mixed turn of the century with back-of-the-book including cut squares, booklets, some Philippines, etc., worth a look. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $600