Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland, Airmail, 1919, $1 on 15¢ "Trans-Atlantic". Tied by smudge cancel on 1919 cover to Capt. P.D. Acland with London backstamp, cover opened out for display with original letter written by the pilot, J. Alcock, which reads, "Dear Capt. Acland, What do you think of my new job as a mail carrier, and such a comic mail at that? It is limited to four pounds, three pounds for public and one pound of special mail. The old bus behaved splendidly on her trials, and when you get this you will know that she behaved as well on the way across the Atlantic. I must not write more than this, because the greater the length the greater the weight! Don't forget that this comes from a dry country, and that I do too.", signed "J. Alcock, Capt. D.S.C.", cover & letter affixed to cardboard, Fine, a rare and historic item (AAMC #3, $2500). SG No. 143. Scott No. C2 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,450

Canadian Provinces - Newfoundland, Airmail, 1931, 15¢-$1 Pictorial issue complete, watermarked. Tied by "St. John's East, N.F., Aug 7, 1939" cds's on registered airmail cover to Derby, England, transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine. SG No. 195-197. Scott No. C9-C11 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

France, 1870 Ballon Monté, Le Godefroy-Cavaignac. Tiny folded letter with three color franking to New York, franked with 1863-70 10c + 20c + 40c (slightly oxidized) tied by Paris numeral "8" star cancel & double circle postmark "Paris/2E/2 Oct. '70", struck with red New York "2 Cents" credit handstamp on arrival, Very Fine, a lovely exhibition item which is correctly rate paying the 70¢ rate to United States; with 1994 von der Weid certificate. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,000

France, 1871 Ballon Monté, Le Général-Faidherbe. Small folded letter with mixed Issue franking to Mok-Hill, Calaveras County, California, franked with two 1863-70 30c + 1870-73 10c tied by Paris numeral "4" star cancel & double circle postmark "Paris/5E/11 Janv. '71/Rue D'Enghien", sent via London with red transit cds & red New York "2" credit handstamp, one 30c with rough perfs at right & other lightly creased, Very Fine, a gorgeous cover to this tiny Gold Rush town; signed J. F. Brun, with 2001 Sismondo certificate. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,000

France, Airmail, 1927, 2fr & 5fr First Issue complete. Tied by "Marseille, Salon Aviation Navigation, 25-6, 27" First Day of Issue postmarks on unaddressed areo club souvenir cover, additional 25c + 5c semipostal, Provence club label and etiquettes, reverse with multicolored airmail label tied by octagon date stamp, event and club cachet handstamps, Very Fine. Maury No. 1-2. Scott No. C1-C2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210

France, Airmail, 1927, 2fr & 5fr First Issue complete. Tied by "Salon Aviation - Navigation, Marseille, 18-7, 27" cds's on registered illustrated exhibition cachet cover to Paris, airmail & registry etiquettes, Very Fine. Maury No. 1-2. Scott No. C1-C2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $290

France, Airmail, 1928, 10fr on 90c "Ile de France". In combination with 1fr50c definitive on flight cover to Detroit, Michigan, tied by "New York Au Havre, 23-8, 28" First Day of Issue octagon cds with second strike alongside, with catapult hydroplane cachet and "Paris, Gare de Nord" backstamp, French Line imprint on backflap, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. C3 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $7,000

France, Airmail, 1928, 10fr on 1.50fr "Ile de France". Bottom margin single in combination with 1fr + 50c Sower issue pairs, all tied by "New York Au Havre, 23-8, 28" First Day of Issue octagon cds's on registered flight cover to New York, catapult hydroplane cachet and registry etiquette below, receiving backstamps and "French Line" imprint on backflap, Very Fine and choice, a rare first day of this provisional surcharge airmail issued specially for this catapult flight. Maury No. 4. Scott No. C4 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.

France, Airmail, 1936, 50fr "Banknote". In combination with 10fr + 3fr commemoratives and 1fr75c definitive, on registered cover to Bogota, Columbia, neatly tied by "Paris, 5-2, 38" cds's, New York transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, a nice destination. Maury No. 15. Scott No. C15 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350

Germany, 1929-35 catapult flight covers. Lot of 15 various Catapult flight covers with Germany or United States frankings, all identified, one signed by pilot, worth inspection, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375