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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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U.S. Postal History: Gun Covers: Foreign

Lots 750-759 Lots 760-769 Lots 770-779 Lots 780-789 Lots 790-793

Lot 760    

Canada. 1924 cover franked on reverse with 3c Admiral tied by Belleville, Ont. machine cancel with all over multicolor Dominion design on front showing Hunters & Longhorn Sheep, reverse with advertising in red & black showing Dominion Shells, Extremely Fine, a stunning cover.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $145

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Lot 761    

Canada. 1924 cover franked on reverse with 3c Admiral tied by Bruce Mines, Ont. cds with all over multicolor Dominion design on front showing Mallard In Flight, reverse with advertising in red & black showing Dominion Shells, Extremely Fine, a stunning cover.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $400

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Lot 762    

Canada. 1933 cover franked on reverse with 3c KGV tied by Halifax Camp R.P.O. cds with all over multicolor Dominion design on front showing Longhorn Sheep, reverse with advertising in red & black showing Dominion Shells, Extremely Fine, a stunning cover.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $230

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Lot 763    

Chile. 1919 cover to United States franked with 4c tied by Valparaiso postmark with attractive multicolor Winchester design showing Woman on Horse with Rifle, reverse with text advertising in red & black, horiz. cover fold & trivial corner nick at bottom left, Very Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $1,200

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Lot 764    

Czechoslovakia. 1926 registered cover to Canada franked on reverse with 2k + 3k tied by Nitra postmark with design showing Open Shotgun, reduced at right & edge faults, Fine.
Estimate    $50 - 75.

Realized: $24

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Lot 765    

German States - Bavaria. 1916 cover franked with 15pf tied by Nurnberg machine cancel with design showing Shotgun & Shell, reverse with illustrated Rifle, Pistol & Holster, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $40

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Lot 766    

Germany-Saar. 1924 registered picture postcard franked with 1fr tied by Dillingen postmark with registry label, front of card showing Pistols & Gun Tooling Machines, addressed to the United States, Very Fine.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $100

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Lot 767    

Germany. 1909 cover franked with 20c Germania tied by Schöneback postmark with design showing Shotgun Shell with Dog & Moose Antlers, addressed to Finland, Very Fine.
Estimate    $50 - 75.

Realized: $30

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Lot 768    

Great Britain. 1896 cover franked with ½d pair tied by Glasgow postmark with design on reverse showing "Nobel's Sporting Ballistite Special Cartridge" with printed text on front & back, slightly reduced at right, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $70

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Lot 769    

Great Britain. 1897 cover franked with 1d tied by London postmark with Schultze Gunpowder design on reverse in orange showing Shotgun Shell, "Gastight Cartridges for Schultze Gunpowder", Very Fine and choice.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $75

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Lots 750-759 Lots 760-769 Lots 770-779 Lots 780-789 Lots 790-793

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