"EC" and "Schultze". Multicolor design on 1905 cover showing Autumn Hunters with Dogs, franked with 1903 2¢ tied by Buffalo, N.Y. machine cancel, slightly reduced at right just affecting stamp & light cover aging, F.-V.F., a rare design. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $280

Giant Powder Company. Two shaded ad cover in green of the Giant Powder Co., both from the same correspondence to Jackson, Cal., one franked with 1¢ + 2¢ Bank Note with San Francisco postmark & other franked with 3¢ Bank Note with San Francisco cds, one bit reduced at right & one bit reduced at left, F.-V.F., an attractive & scarce pair. Estimate $200 - 300.
The Giant Powder Company, the first commercial manufacturer of dynamite in the United States, began production in San Francisco on March 19, 1868, under exclusive license from Alfred Nobel to produce his new explosive in America.
A year and a half later, on November 26, 1869, an explosion destroyed the entire facility, turning every one of the buildings on the place, and the surrounding fencing, into "hundreds of pieces," according to a newspaper account. The company moved its operations elsewhere, an action that was to be repeated again in the future under similar circumstances, until it moved to its permanent and final home at Point Pinole on San Pablo Bay.
Realized: $100

Hazard Powder. Multicolor design on 1898 cover showing Mallard Duck, franked with 2¢ Bureau tied by Kansas City, Mo. machine cancel, Extremely Fine, a lovely cover. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $475

Hazard Powder. Multicolor design on 1898 cover showing Mallard Duck, similar to previous lot, but without name of Lithographer, franked with 2¢ Trans-Miss. tied by Nashville, Tenn. duplex cancel, insignificant cover tear on reverse, Extremely Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $900

Hercules Powder. Illustrated design on cover showing "Stump Before the Blast/ Fragments After the Blast", franked with 3¢ Bank Note tied by geometric cancel with Indianapolis, Ind. cds alongside, cover with edge faults, V.G. Estimate $30 - 40.
Realized: $14

Hercules Powder Co. Illustrated design on 2¢ entire showing "The Great Stump and Rock Annihilator", postmarked Cleveland, O. cds & segmented grid, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $95

Hercules Powder Co. Illustrated design (similar design to previous lot, but in smaller format) on 2¢ entire showing "The Great Stump and Rock Annihilator", postmarked 1889 Cleveland, O. duplex cancel, Extremely Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $42

Hercules Powder. Multicolor design on 1900 cover showing Trademark Herculean Figure with Club, franked with 2¢ Bureau tied by Asheville, N.C. machine cancel, overall multicolor ad on reverse, sealed cover tear mostly on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $325

Hercules Powder. Multicolor design on 1901 cover showing Trademark Herculean Figure with Club, franked with 2¢ Pan-American tied by Pittsburgh, Pa. machine cancel, overall multicolor ad on reverse, hint of overall cover aging, still Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $425

(Hercules Powder). Design on reverse of 1903 cover showing The "Infallible" Girls, franked with 1902 2¢ tied by Mahanoy City, Pa. machine cancel, with illustrated gun case on front, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $90