Worldwide Zeppelin flight cover collection, 1924-1937. Well over 100 covers mostly mounted on exhibition pages with many better flights throughout, starting with early German & American airship flights including 1925 Shenandoah flight and a nice section of 1925 Los Angeles airship flights to Bermuda and P.R., strong section of Graf Zeppelin flights including interrupted, round-the-world and commercial service, many better with highlights including United States Zepps set #C13-15 on separate covers (65¢ postcard), 1930 4m South America flight issue usage (#57H, cat €600), 1931 Germany 1m, 2m and 4m separate Polar Flight usages (4mk #119C, cat €1,200) and Russian flights, 1931 Iceland flight card, better 1932 South American flight from scarce countries including Ireland, Poland & Lithuania, 1933 German 2m Chicago usage, 1933 Greece Zepp set on flight cover (#210y, cat €1,000), four U.S. century of Progress flights with #C18 & various cachets, Hindenberg flights with 1936 Liechtenstien set, etc., well worth inspection. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $6,000
Worldwide postal card accumulation. 1000's of cards mint and used, diverse range in countries represented including France, Luxembourg, strong Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and Norway, with some interesting German area and others, worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $800
Worldwide flight cover collection, 1928-1959. 120 covers in binder, including first flights and Zeppelin, much U.S. with good flights including #C1-3 on 1929 Round the World flight, #C18 flight, 1930-40's Honolulu flights, 1937 Hong Kong & Macao flights, 1930's China flights, Philippines, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $625
Worldwide flight covers, 1922-1960. 35 covers; mostly Zeppelin with some first flights, range of 1930 Graf Zeppelin flights including Argentina, Hungary, Russia, Brazil, Iceland & Germany Zeppelin frankings, including earlier & later Zepp flights with Zepp frankings including Paraguay, Brazil, etc., Columbia Scadta usages, catapult, 1920 Quito-Barra flight (with full set with an inverted overprint), condition mixed, worth inspection. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $800
Worldwide covers, 1930-40's. 100's covers of mostly FDC's and including some flights, interesting war usages, commercial, etc., including British Commonwealth FDC's with Omnibus 1937 Coronation sets, British Pacific, Canada including first flights, hand painted Lebanon covers, France, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $725
Worldwide postal history. Over 100 covers from the 19th century to the 1960s with an eclectic range, Portugal postal stationery items, Luxembourg balloon post cards of 1927, Saar, nice Germany Third Reich material inc Olympic Games and Brown Band souvenir sheet, propaganda cards, General Gouvernement, Berlin overprints, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $325
Worldwide first day covers, 1960-1970's. Nearing 1000 mostly cacheted unaddressed covers, including DDR, Switzerland, Austria, etc., good retail potential. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350
Worldwide cover group. Approximately 150 covers and cards, mostly 1900-30's, with interesting France, wartime material, etc., please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
Worldwide covers. Several hundred 1950-80's with strength in commemorative including much space related, autographs, etc., please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
Worldwide cover group. Several dozen covers and additional cards, good range of material including nice early Denmark, 1871 Baden mixed franking, 1869 Russia mixed franking to France, D.W.I. 1903 bisect, 1899 Mexico allover ads, etc., mixed condition, worth inspection. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $525