Belgium collection, 1849-1990. Comprehensive mint and used collection in Scott National album, with complete basic regular and commemorative issues for the period, virtually all used 19th century with King Leopold imperf and perf sets complete including the 1875-78 5f, later mixed mint and used sets including all label sets with intact labels, 1915-20 set used, the 1919-20 King Albert set complete mint (cat $646), 1921 Expo souvenir sheets mint, 1925 Kings set complete mint, 1930 Expo souvenir sheet mint, 1952 UPU Congress set used (cat $213), etc., near complete semi-postals with 1910-1915 sets complete, 1928 sets mint, 1931 Exposition souvenir sheet, 1932 Mercier set missing only 1.75f on 75c (cat over $400), complete from 1935 on with better mint sets and souvenir sheets, other back-of-the-book with airmails, air semi-postal, special delivery, dues, military, officials & newspapers all complete, parcel posts complete missing only some values from the scarce 1915 set with many present and catalog $200-250 each (mint values all signed), 1960 on all mint with many better sets, 1914-18 Occupations complete mint in fresh pristine condition; a premium near complete collection with mixed condition virtually confined to early issues, a must see to appreciate. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,900
Belgium collection. At least 1200 stamps, housed in one volume with used on the earlier material and mainly mint from the 1930's onwards - fairly comprehensive with the main value here in the 20th century. Includes various 'epaulettes' imperf and perf, on to the 1911 semi-postals, 2fr Albert with Sunday label mint noticed, 1920's semi-postals to the 5fr+5fr purple values and many mint series of the late 1920's and 1940's inc various Tuberculosis and Orval series. Then highly complete from the mid-1950's onwards mint never hinged through to the 1980's, please inspect. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $750
Belgium collection, 1849-1970. Strong mint & used in Minkus album, nearing completion throughout including 1st issue sets and later high values used, good parcels in sets from 1st issue on, 1884-1900 issues complete, better souvenir sheets, semi-postals, etc., condition mixed mostly in early material. 1996 Scott $5,916 (Owner's) Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $475
Belgium collection. Housed on Scott album leaves, with a few hundred stamps, virtually all different. Starts with 'epaulettes' from #2 onwards with values through to 40c carmine imperf, in usual mixed condition, followed by a better range of later 19th century through to 2fr high values. 20th century including German Occupations, ending with back of the book 'Chemins de Fer' and 'Journaux', etc. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125
Belgium post WWII mint accumulation. 1950/1960's range of thousands of mint sets in miniature sheets, multiples or sheets inc Europas, far too numerous with many different topics, must be seen, includes semi postals to 6fr and 8fr plus premium, etc., enormous new issue cost. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375
Belgium - postal card hoard, 1980's. Several thousand used postcards, variety of cancels throughout including postage due markings. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $50
Belgian Colonies collection, 1886-1961. Virtually complete mint & used collection on Scott pages, Congo missing 5 stamps for basic completion including 1886 set complete (cat $314), 1887-94 issues complete (cat $800), 1894-1922 bicolors complete missing only couple better surcharges, complete thereon including semi-postals complete mint, airs and dues complete, parcel posts including Q2-Q3 & Q5 needing to checked for genuine (total cat $1,535), G.E.A. Occupations issues mint (cat $110) and complete Ruanda-Urundi including back-of-the-book; a meticulously assembled collection, worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $900
Bermuda stock, 1860-1970's. Clean mint & used on stockpages, from mostly used QV issues on, lots of later mint sets and nice range of issues with no heavy duplication, condition bit varied in earlies, worth inspection. SG £5,500 ($8,902) Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,150
Brazil covers, 1860-1930's. Approximately 150 covers in slipcases, a nice range of mostly $15-30 retail items with some better, including airmail first flights, nice registry and foreign usages, interesting postal stationery, some early, exposition and commemorative items, diverse group well worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750
Brazil collection. Mint and used collection and quantities of sets, much of the 1950-1960's in sheet format, thousands of sets here but much duplication, album leaves from 19th century onwards. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50