Germany Zeppelin & airmail flight covers, 1929-1936. 6 covers, including Chicago 1m & 2m Zepp flights, catapult fights, 2m Polar Flight, 1936 Horse Rider souvenir sheet on flight cover, condition mixed, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $200
Germany Zeppelin reprint holding. 250 copies of the 2m South America Flight Zeppelin, of course reprints in full sheets of 50 each. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $95
Lot 4121 o
Germany collection, 1933-1965. Mostly complete collection in Safe album, few mint issues, highlights including 1933 Nothlife, 1936 semi-postal souvenir sheets, Chicago Zepps, all better Federal Republic early sets, etc.; condition above the norm with most hand-selected for nicely canceled sets.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,100
Germany accumulation. Diverse material, including covers, includes 1949 Industry, 1950 Lübeck, 1951 Exhibition, 30pf Röntgen, 1953 Munich, good Europas, Helper of Mankind series, etc., the above mint never hinged, miniature sheets including used Hitler birthday imperf, Exportmesse Hannover 1949 (x2), better DDR, Feldpost 'Schiffspost' cancels, POW from US and UK camps, used UPU set 1949 Berlin, a few Bells, ERP Europa forerunner used on piece, etc. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,000
Germany Prisoner of War - 'Grimm' correspondence. German captured in WWII and held in America - Prisoner of War camp Mexia Texas, correspondence to Germany during and after the war, 44 items of correspondence, unusual correspondence from an American POW camp, please inspect. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $475
4124 o/
German Post Offices Abroad & Colonies collection. Several hundred stamps and cover neatly arranged & identified on album pages, most stamps on small pieces and showing full cancels, many better including combinations, destinations, usages, etc., including some forerunners, etc., well worth inspection for the specialist. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $8,500
German Offices in Morocco collection, 1899-1911. Small mint collection mounted on Scott specialty album pages, comprised of #1-6, 33-44 & 45-57, few minor faults maybe present, however the overall condition is excellent, worth careful inspection. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140
German Offices in the Turkish Empire collection, 1884-1908. Small mint collection mounted on Scott specialty album pages, comprised of #1-3, 5-6, 8-12, 31-42, 43-54 & 55-59, few minor faults maybe present, however the overall condition is excellent, worth careful inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400
Lot 4127 o
German Colonies specialized cancel collection. 340 stamps; numerous on piece & show full cancel, mostly signed and check for genuine and condition, many better and desirable cancels, a nice collection, worth inspection.Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $4,750
German Colonies & Offices collection. Mostly mint and used collection in Safe album, strong completion throughout with occasional parallel mint and used, German New Guinea complete mint with used, East Africa complete mint with better used, South West Africa near complete with better 1st issue high values mint, virtually complete Cameroun & Caroline Islands, Kiauchau with 5pfg overprints and through to high values, Marshall Islands near complete, complete Samoa mint and Togo mint & used, Offices with 1901 set and later complete, good Morocco and Turkish Empire nearly complete; condition mixed with lots of better issues throughout. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,750