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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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U.S. General Collections

Lots 3791-3800 Lots 3801-3810 Lots 3811-3820 Lots 3821-3830 Lots 3831-3840 Lots 3841-3850 Lots 3851-3860 Lots 3861-3870 Lots 3871-3880 Lots 3881-3890 Lots 3891-3900 Lots 3901-3907

Lot 3871 /o   

Transportation coil plate strip stock, 1970's. Hundreds of mint n.h. plate strips, in 3 stockbooks, good range of plates, including Fire Pumpers, Consumers, some flags and other issues.
Scott $1,900+    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $425

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Lot 3872    

Plate number strip collection, 1981-1982. Mint mostly better strips on pages and stockcards, highlights include strips of 5 20¢ Pummer #1 (cat $140), 7 20¢ Consumer #1-2's (cat $160 each), better Flags, 18¢ Surrey #1, etc., strips of 3 on pages from 5.2¢ to 18¢, all fresh n.h. material, an excellent lot for the plate specialist.
Scott $1,700+    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $525

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Lot 3873 /   

Airmail quality mint balance. Selection of fresh mint issues on stockcards; high degree of choice very well centered material, including first and second issues in small quantities of each issue, plate singles and a few blocks, #C18 6 singles mostly n.h. and 4 plate blocks of 4, 4 Lindbergh panes, etc., worth inspection, o.g., hinged or never hinged.
Estimate    $1,500 - 2,000.

Realized: $3,000

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Lot 3874    

Airmail collection. In Lighthouse album, some modern regular issues and airmails missing only #C13-15 and complete to 1983.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $250

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Lot 3875 /   

Offices in China balance, 1919. Selection of fresh mint issues on stockcards; high degree of choice very well centered material, various degrees of duplication with values up to #K15, including low value block, mid-range values with 5-8 copies and issue and 3-4 copies of high values, includes a section of plate no singles with various values to #K15, #K18 singles and a few used; much n.h. throughout, well worth careful inspection.
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.

Realized: $4,000

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Lot 3876 /o   

Newspaper & periodical collection, 1875-1895. 34 most mint singles on stock cards and page, many better issues cataloging $1,000+, with used including #PR22, PR26 & PR89, mint including #PR24-25, PR33-35, PR57-79 (the 1875 issues complete), PR93, PR107 & PR111, condition mixed but above the norm and mint majority o.g. with occasional no gum; many attractive stamps throughout, well worth careful inspection.
2004 Scott $27,940    Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.

Realized: $5,250

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Lot 3877    

Booklet accumulation, 1917-1942. 20 unexploded booklets in dealer cards, includes #BK28 (one stamp missing, cat $750), 54 (x3), 79, 80 (x2), 81, 84, 85, 103 (x2), 102, 105 (x2), BKC1, 4a (x3), few with light cover creases.
Scott $2,260    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $350

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Lot 3878 /o   

Postal stationery cut square collection, 1853-1962. Wonderful collection mounted in Scott specialty album, mainly mint with loads of better items, many of which are full corners, while some faults are present the overall condition is well above average, better mint items include U11, U12, U14, U15, U16, U18, U28, U44, U69-73, U89, U95, U99-100, U104, U105, U107, W126, U195-197, U201-203, U204-2101, U211-212, U215-217, W287, U318-322, U336-347, U467, UO18, UO27-28, UO30, WO33, UO34-37, UO42-43, UO56-58, UO59, UO61 entire plus much more, a great collection that merits careful inspection.
Scott $29,481+    Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.

Realized: $9,000

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Lot 3879    

Postal card group. 10 different; #UX3 (tiny notation in margin), UX6-7, UX10, UX12, UX14, UX18, UX20, UY1-2 (severed).
Scott No. UX3/UY2; $411    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $145

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Lot 3880    

Postal card group. 6 cards; #UX6, UX9, UX12, UX18, UX19 X2.
Scott $189    Estimate $60 - 80.

Realized: $55

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Lots 3791-3800 Lots 3801-3810 Lots 3811-3820 Lots 3821-3830 Lots 3831-3840 Lots 3841-3850 Lots 3851-3860 Lots 3861-3870 Lots 3871-3880 Lots 3881-3890 Lots 3891-3900 Lots 3901-3907

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